Sunday, July 28, 2013

MUST READ!!!!!!!!!

Hello everyone! 
I was just scrolling down my blog comments an hour ago and found out that so much readers doesn't know about my twitter account! how did you guys even find me? So just to make everything clear for you, IM NOT DEAD I'LL BE POSTING AFTER RAMADHAN ETHA ALLAH A7YANA AND IF YOU KNOW ME WELL YOU'LL KNOW I NEVER START SOMETHING UNLESS I KNOW IM GOING TO END IT SO THIS STORY IS GOING TO BE AMAZINGLY DONE JUST WAIT FOR IT AND STOP COMMENTING BAD YA JAMA3A. 
Hi again, about the post i have one chapter now half written i tried finishing it yesterday but i got a writers block after only two paragraphs so i need at least two days to sum everything up in my mind. that's what i get after not writing for so long! Astahl. 
So since you guys waited long enough i'm gonna make wait more bs shwaya, the longer the better right? It's only a short story after all you don't want it to finish fast! 

I'm so sorry for the delay, i promise you all a good chapter, full of action and drama is waiting for you to read! 

So for the people who isn't following me on twitter this is my account @aslongasilive__ 

Kik: gblogger 

And for any questions 

Thank you all for waiting ❤

Monday, July 8, 2013

If He Only Knew Ch.2

I found lina standing with her friend and a bunch of teenagers roaming around them and i'm like whaaaat? 

Lina: yuma ma shftk! 

Hala-giving her the look-: leh wsh mswya?

Lina's friend: ma swat shay bs kna n7sbk bt6awlen

Hala-laughing-: 6yb 6yb 

Hala: go ask for a taxi ashof

Lina: ok ok

Hala: sha6ra bnti

Lina: o9 

Hala: b3lm mama -evil look-

Lina: akrhk

Lina's friend: ashwna e5ti mafeh 

Hala: 7bebti majab 9degtk ela ana -laughing- 

Lina-walking back-: omg omg haifa shofi eli wra maksora rjla shlon y6al3kk omg!! 

Hala-looking back- 

Oh god. 

Haifa: omg jamel!! 

Hala-ignoring what they're saying-: yala bs 

Haifa: omg ga3d ygrb!!!

Lina: hala dgega law sma7tii

Hala: w3 whisper at least mabzra-laughing- 

I was trying my best to act normal y3ni wow mara 6be3y wa7d tawni msolfa m3ah jay wray w 3nd men? E5ti w 9degat'ha! 

Haifa: shit laf-.- 

Hala: good thing

Lina: 3'ayra ena 5ag tra fe 10 3'aira 

Hala-laughing-: they're are too many fishes in the sea mdri wsho

Haifa: bl6'ab6!

Hala: yala lazm nro7

Haifa-hugging lina-: mnb 6al3a ela w ana jayba ragma

Hala: i heard that

Haifa-blushing-: opps

Lina: at7dakk!!

Bnt omha.. Y3ni spectrum sten million wld ma lgat tjeb eli mine.. 5air hey came after me tra! -.- b3d.. 

-in the car- 

Hala: haifa mara shaklha mu gdk bzyada ttksh5 w make up 

Lina: a9lan mu gdi

Hala: ama?

Lina: walah gdk

Hala: aaah.. 

Lina: eeh 

Hala: what's up with her anyway?

Lina: wsho?

Hala: n6'am tjeb ras kl wald w ana bnt aboy w ketha?

Lina: wsh d5l?

Hala: wla shay 

Lina: wsh fek 5air?

Hala: wla shay ya bathra 5ala9 

Lina: wa'67 mn ja abo rjl maksora 

Hala: wsho wsh d5l!

Lina-gasp-: 5awykk!!!?

Hala: w law 5awyi mara7 agol ee -stupid smile-

Lina: bathra 

Hala: o9 bla ez3aj wla b3lm deema 3an abo sweater 

Lina: yuma mn wain gazeteh?

Hala: tawk 93'era tra y3ni mara7 awgfk ana wla shay bs agolk ena tra guys are jerks w may7taj you get hurt w enti gdamk 7yat

Lina: fozia aldre3 ilnus5a el murah8ya

Hala-laughing-: i'm serious 

Lina: t7ben?

Hala: la

Lina: gd ?

Hala: la 

Lina: 3eni b3enk?

Hala-laughing-: t7sen ynf3li?


Hala: ajal

Lina: la abd! 

Hala-blushing-: good!

Lina: umm bgolk shay

We were getting closer to the hotel so wa'67 ena matbe tgol 3nd deema wla law w9lna galt.. 

Hala: esh?

Lina: sweater guy

Hala-laughing-: 5awyk?


Hala: wa'67 yagalbi -laughing-

Lina-blushing-: keli zg

Hala: baby lsa 14 trak law sma7tii a5af 3ala msha3rk ana-laughing-

Lina: a7ba a7ba hala mu 6be3y

Hala-laughing-: hey enti f9a5ti el7aya

Lina: yjnn eff

Hala: how old is he -laughing- 15?

Lina-mad-: 16!

Hala-laughing-: wow!!

Lina: tra mn last year-blushing-

Hala: tdren i started crushing on guys and admitting it lma jet 16? W enti mn 13? Wala m3ad fe bzran -laughing-

Lina: trani b9er 15 brm6'an fa o9 

Hala: aha sweet 15 baby 

Lina: 7asbi bs 7asbi-opening the door-

Hala: m3ak cash?

Lina: m3ay 50 

Hala: 3a6eni ma m3ay 3'air el visa

Lina: 7asbi feha 6yb

Hala: ya mama 36eni enti!

Lina-takes out the money-: ha 

Hala: engal3i fog 

Lina: ma m3ay card

Hala: wla ana m3ay -smile-

Lina: 9afga lbnat alx ..

Hala-getting out of the car-: emshi n6g ngawm deema 

Lina: matw83 namt a9lan

Hala: elsa3a 1 aked namt

Lina: nshof 


Lina: shfti eli labsa dress aby6'?-laughing-

Hala: knt ga3da bmakan mafeh a7d

Lina: afa wsh fek ya nafsya

Hala: knt ga3da mrawga walah mumtazz 

Lina-laughing-: elmuhem om fstan aby6' ma bga wld ma shabkha

Hala-laughing-: aywa 

Lina: w kl mara t'thgl w t3ayi


Lina-getting out of the elevator-: w klhom 65ooom!!

Hala: wow lina elklma..

Abd abd mu jawy hathi elswalef fa i was laughing loudly on how my baby sister care so much about it.. 

Lina: elmuhem the funny part

Hala-knocking the door-: esh 

Lina: jaha wa7d a93'r mnha bsntain

Hala: la tgolen!!

Lina-laughing-: 8smbilah!! Majabha ela ho tgoli haifa 7ta lsa ma 6al3 shanb wa'67 

Hala-laughing-: w3!!!!!

Lina: nayma thi wla 3'ayboba -knocking the door harder- 

Hala: enzli jebi card law sma7ti

Lina: lazm ID w jawzi mu m3ay 

Hala: yarabi ya karem b3di 3an wjhi-pushing lina-

Lina-laughing-: nafsyaaaaa!!

Hala: ee el7ub may36eni wjh

Lina: nag9a 7nan 

Hala-laughing and giving lina her back- 

I have to admit, nawaf was on my mind all that time! The elevator door opened on floor 3 and when i found him standing exactly in front of me with his 3akaza Shockley smiling i was like"hala you're dreaming.."

Nawaf: ya m7asn el9df

Hala-still in the elevator-: at4kr enk gltli enk sakn b shgat 9a7bk..

Nawaf: hena 9a7bi sakn

Hala: aah ok 

I knew for a minute he went after us and checked in the same hotel as ours 3ala ena there was no more rooms when we booked.. God this is going to be a full of action week!! I was still inside the elevator w ho bra w mask el button 3shan ma ysakr elbab

Nawaf-laughing-: leh mtn7a

Hala-laughing-: madri 

Hala-getting out of the way-

Nawaf: thank you-coming in- 

Awkward silence.. 

Nawaf: after you! 



Nawaf: ya 3eni

Hala-goes out- 

Nawaf: leh nazla bthal lel 3ala fikra 

Hala: nasya my card bl3'urfa-laughing-

Nawaf: aha -laughing

I smiled and walked away and felt him walking behind me the lobby was pretty empty thankfully!

Nawaf-from behind-: maglteli

Hala-stopping-: yeah?

Nawaf: wain sakna?

Hala: hena?

Nawaf-laughing-: ga9di bls3odya

Hala: aah riyadh

Nawaf: good

Hala-laughing-: you're weird t3rf?

Nawaf: mn shftk w ana mdri wsh ga3d aswe.. 

Hala-tucking a standard of her hair behind her ear and blushing-: umm e5ti bt4ba7ni..

Nawaf: nasen elmfta7 jwa el3'urfa typical saudis

Hala: lelabd -laughing-

Nawaf: nshofk bukra ajal

Hala-smiling-: inshalah

Nawaf: t9b7en 3ala 5air

Hala: w enta mn ahla-walking away

Nawaf: btw

Hala-looking back again- : Emhm?

Nawaf: 3ndk twitter?

Hala: halaalx 

Nawaf: two a's?

Hala: eeh -laughing-


I walked to the reception happy. Like really really happy!!!!! Mstaw3ben a guy checked in bhotel 3shani??? 3shani? Ok yuma b6ni butterflies were flying inside of my tummy 6ol elwagt! I saw him going out of the hotel and taking a bag i stalked him mn b3ed 7ta law eni a54t el card w 5ala9t margait lma shfta grb i started walking and almost running mabi arkb m3ah again elwa'63 ysa7i..

I got the new card and went up w malgait elo5t lina mawjoda:D aha mnzltni leh 6yb? Wa95a.

I came in smiling widely mu 6be3y i can't describe my feeling y3ni eff!!

Lina-laughing-: wsh fek?

Deema: enti mu knti bttrawshen? Engal3i yala

I knew deema tbe klshay 9ar b spectrum w ma tbe lina tsm3 matdri ena e5taha ray7a feha lol!!

Lina: w3 6yb 

Deema: w3 wjhk ana anf3

Lina: tnf3en t9eren omi ok ok -laughing-

Hala-laughing-: deema 

Lina: smi-smiling-

Hala: glt deema..?

Lina: ana w deema wa7d 

Hala: no? Ro7i trawshi

Lina: okay tbon t7kon 3an hanouf 

Deema-tshrg blmoya-

Lina-laughing-: 3ala balkom ma3rf shay?

Deema-hiding her face with the pillow-: mu9eba

Lina: mara7 agol shay

Hala: law glti baf'67k!

Deema: wsh mhab'ba? -laughing-

Lina-running to the bathroom-: wla shay

Deema: shsalft'ha?

Hala: t7b wa7d 3umra 16

Deema: wow

Hala: bl6'ab6-laughing- 3adi bzr 5al t3esh 7ayt'ha

Deema: w enti mu nawya t6l3en mn el8aw83a?

Hala: umm ela

Deema: shit sh9ar? 

Hala-laughing-: 6b3an t3rfeni akrh amshi l7ali fa jlast 3ala el krai eli gdam l3bt ela79na thek ........

I told her everything until the point where he asked for my twitter and her reaction was priceless!

Deema: lucky him ya shai5a!!!!!! 

Hala-blushing-: i have a good feeling about this

Deema: 9dg?? 

Hala: ee wallah

Deema-side hugging hala-: 7lu?

Hala-lays down on the pillow-: m a r a 

Deema: 7bebi ana

Hala: 7abtk elgrada!!

Deema: mn al7een -laughing- 

Hala-laughinng-: 9a7!!! Bshof twitter 

Deema: t4krt s3od mara 

Hala: bs walah he doesn't sound like all boys 

Deema:  bs blbdaya w b3den btstaw3ben entabhi ya galbi

It's cute how my sisters care about me so much<3 

Hala: a9lan ma9ar shay nothings official 

Deema: ya official ya 7rkat! 


Deema: shofi twitter ymkn swalk follow 

Hala: 9aaa7! Bs balbs awal w ketha arwg 

Deema: wow -laughing-

Hala: walah brawgla -blushing-

I plugged my phone to the charger and went to put on my pjs after that i went to the other bathroom and did mu business and  yes lina was still showering.. Mdri tsb7 wla esh? 
I came out and found deema fast asleep and lina bltowel nayma janbha a3'rab a5wat bl7yat 

Hala: hey enti-pushing lina- gomi elbsi la yd5l fek shay

Lina-moving around-: ba3di

Hala: ya 3aibah ashof b6nk

Lina-jumps from the bed-: 6yb la t6al3en!!! 

Hala-laughing-: engal3i nami blsrer elthani

Lina: aha bs

I took my phone and went to the living room, our room was good for the 3 of us! 2 beds a sleeping-sofa and a living room that has a bed couch ana bema ena nomi jidan 7sas i sleep alone in the living room nyahaha! 

Moving on.. I scrolled down my whatsapp and answered every message and then i checked my followers and found him.. Lma glt ldeema ena 3'air el3yal ma 3'ala6t.. 

His avatar was arsenals logo, his last tweet was 2 days ago " busted." Lol.. 

I followed back and waited for something, a dm maybe? NO i'm not gonna start first, law y6er.

Deema-screaming-: hala sakri el lamba!!!

Hala: enti agrb

Deema: law sma7ti hala

Hala: 6yb 6yb 

I closed the lights and went back to my phone and what i wished for came true, what a happy day! 

@nawafOg: hello

@halaalx: hey

@nawafog: kaif el7al:p?

@halaalx: lol kwaisa enta kaifk?

@nawafog: 6yb damk 6yba 

I didn't know what to reply.. So i didn't reply for 5 minutes then he sent me another dm

@nawafog: tell me more about you, you sound nothing like girls i know 

@halaalx: the girls 

@nawafog: i mean my sisters and cousin 

@halaalx: emhm

@nawafog: so

@halaalx: you tell me about you

@nawafog: 22, awesome, nerd in some way, a3esh ma bain jeddah w alriyadh,  3 siblings bnten w wld w ana akbr wa7d

@halaalx: kaml

@nawafog: mdri ask w bjawb:p 

@halaalx: 5ala9 ma y7taj:p

@nawafog: ela y7taj 

@halaalx: 6yb 

Awkward silence. 

@nawafog: t'hz2to lma rja3to:p?

@halaalx: la ashwa mama w baba shaklhom namo l2n m7d dg

@nawafog: mta nawya tnamen

@halaalx: ma3rf mafeni nom:(

@nawafog: nnzl ndor bl streets? 

@halaalx: mali 5lg a3'ayr:p

@nawafog: pjs are sexy

@halaalx: 3aib:p

@nawafog: no seriously nnzl bs 15 mins?

@halaalx: e5ti bt39b 

@nawafog: she's awake?

@halaalx: no

@nawafog: then you're fine yala mshena meet me janb il golf cars 

@halaalx: hey no:$

@nawafog: leh?

@halaalx: umm bs next time maybe?

@nawafog: no! Barj3 ana b3d esbo3

@halaalx: please:(

@nawafog: i'm gonna pressure you this time, 3shani?

@halaalx: w rjlk:(?

@nawafog: jbt el wheelchair 

@halaalx: ef mnk:( 

@nawafog: yala you'll have fun;)

I was boiling mn el7aya madri wsh ga3da aswe? Am i doing the right thing or what? God b9e7!!

I bbm'ed a friend of mine not my closest but she understands since she went through the same situation. 

Hala: hey! Esm3i elyom b spectrum .....

W 7kait klshay lma taw. 

Madawi: oh my god. CAYOTIE!!!! My baby is all growing up!!!!! Go for it!! Wala btnbs6en bs y3ni la t5a6ren mara

Hala: bzg el3afya..

Madawi: bs 3'ayri mlabskk 

Hala: 9dg:(?

Madawi: eeeh walah!! W ana bakon m3ak lma y9er shay awkward whatsapp me w ana a'6b6kom 

Hala: yarabeh 6yb:( 

Madawi: bla dala3!!

Hala: mt7msa bs 5ayfa i don't know him!

Madawi: wla ana:D bs enzli

Hala: 6yb yala bye balbs 

Madawi: la tnsen el card bs w tbtlshen

Hala: okay=)):$

I wore my dark purple sweatpants and a black jacket i took my card and my phone and headed to the elevator my breathing wasn't normal ka2nha zafti bs 9dg knt gam6a.. I went down and i found him wearing shorts and a hoodie with his 3akza sitting on of the lobby couches i walked over his side 3shan yshof eni mawjoda l2n if looked like fe bnt s3odyat tawhum raj3en they were coming inside w ana 6al3a w a9wat'hom wa'67a 

Girl-1: wsh thal a65m 

Girl-2: mub thak elzod 

And he was coming towards them but they didn't move an inch 6yb elwald by6la3 mn elbab, space? I was watching them mn 3nd elsyarat elb3eda fa nawaf ma shafni i waited for him to get out and then i came back closer to where he was standing he smiled a very sexy smile a we reached the tennis place he came closer to me and we started walking side by side without saying a word.

-After 5 mins-

Nawaf: ajal glteli 17? 

Hala-laughing-: ee 

Nawaf: w kaif eldrasa m3ak

Hala: latjeb 6areha ma 9dgt aftk


Hala: mn mta 5awyk sakn hena

Nawaf: mn elyom -laughing-

Hala: sub7an alah
Nawaf: shfti kaif 

Hala: 6yb 5awyk hatha esh elsbab eli 5lah yje elyom

Nawaf: bgolk bs 5leh se

Hala-laughing-: i'm a good secret keeper 

Nawaf: 9dg?

Hala: emhm

Nawaf: 9degi hatha may3jbh ay shay w jidan ngad w 7alt'h 7ala bs shaf wa7da t3'ayrt moazena zy mayglon

Hala-blushing and laughing- 

Nawaf: w ma3rf wsh yswe w wsh ydabr ybeha bs ho thor awal mara 9dg ymshi w y7ki wa7da 3ajbta 

Hala: aywa 

Nawaf: fa b3den brasa ygol "i can't let this one slip. I want her"

Hala: really?

Nawaf: 9dg!

Nawaf: fa he started following her lma w9l nafs her hotel w he checked in w klamni ajeblh shan6ta w ashya2a 

Hala: ya7lelah he's romantic 

Nawaf: shfti kaif mt3lm mni 


Ga3d y7ki 3an nafsa to make everything clear for you.

Nawaf: ygolk 9degi 

Hala-blushing-: ee?

Nawaf: enh t3b w wdh yjls

Hala-blushing-: yala fe bench gdam 

Nawaf: mshaina 

Hala: so2al thani

Nawaf: es2ali

Hala: y7b? 9degk?

Nawaf: shlon! Y7b w mashi wra elbnt 

Hala: ymkn player

Nawaf: la tarbyti a3rfh

Hala-sitting-: ummm 

Nawaf: hala 

Hala: hmm

Nawaf: fe 9ar9or 3ala yadk 

Hala-jumps-: omg omg omg!!! Wain 

Nawaf-laughing out loud: asf asf amz7

Hala-hitting his forehead and walki g away-: akrhk

Nawaf-still laughing-: la la76'a -starts walking after hala-

Nawaf: 6yb esm3eni-laughing-

Hala-acting mad-: n3am

Nawaf: 9degi ygolk you sound sexy and cute when you're mad

Awaln, his sexy english accent.

Thanyan, awwwwwh!:$

Hala: tell him i said goodnight

Nawaf: bs ma shb3 mnk!!! 

Hala: yshba3 bukra

Nawaf: oh so fe bukra?

Hala: etha wda -still walking and nawaf running with hiz 3akaza behind her-

Nawaf: aked ybi!! '39bn 3ana ytf6'lk!! 

I blushed and blushed all night, i turned around and smiled to him and then went inside the hotel and to the room i flied  8smbilah a7s b6ni mn kthr el butterflies w el7ya ra7 w eff i'm happy!! 

I opened the door and found lina bwajhi bl6'ab6.