Friday, September 13, 2013


-last day-
i enjoyed my time with my hubby it was perfect ldrjt sometimes i laugh to myself thinking it's a dream! I got the tan i wanted, got fit because we started running every morning on the beach on our 5th day until 3 days ago, turki went through an asthma attack and afterwards flu hit him, 7bebi he was so sick eli yg63 elgalb! 

- throw back to 2 days ago-

Turki: ghalia 

Ghalia-waking up from sleep-: hmm?

Turki: wain el ventolin?

Ghalia-jumps from the bed-: shfek?

Turki: la bs maktom shway

Ghalia: aah dgega at4kr

Turki-laughing and coughing-: babe 3adi relax 

Ghalia-tucking a standard of her behind her ear-: la dgega dgega

Turki-breathing heavily-

Ghalia-running to the bathroom-

I came out after 5 minute i found his ventolin in a small bag that contains his shaving stuff and perfumes.. 9ar re7ta 36r 3'baa2!:) 
You're wondering kaif 3raft? L2n lma rj3na w ashya2 kant 7osa fa rtabtlh el ashya2 again w 76ait el ventolin janb elshan6a bs turki maytrk shay bra 3rfto he's sooo neat. 

Ghalia-coming out of the bathroom-: ha!

Turki: shokran -laughing-

Ghalia: yala!

Turki-taking the ventolin from ghalia- 

Ghalia: gdami yala

Turki-giving ghalia his back-

Ghalia: hey you! Gdami 

Turki: la -yb5-

Ghalia: a7sn a9lan bro7 el7mam

It was 6:30 AM.

Turki-pulling ghalia back to him-: no btrj3en tnamen

Ghalia-facing turki-: Mmm.. Mabi 

Turki: ela tben

Ghalia-blushing-: agol bla 7rkat mabzra ba3d

Turki-laughing-: bab3d bs lma tboseni

Ghalia: maktom a5af t3adenii..

Turki-laughing-: ma y3adi yal5awafa

I could hear his chest wheezing because i was one step away from going inside of him, lol:$

Ghalia-placing a hand on turki's chest-: lsa maktom?

Turki: shway boseni w yro7

Ghalia: 9dgggg? -sarcastic tone-

Turki-laughing-: 3'airk ytmana

Ghalia: 3'airi men ya 3amiii-walking away-

Turki: 3'airk -wink-

Ghalia-giving him a look-

Turki-throwing his hands in the air-: atob!!!

Ghalia: adb! 

And after that we went back to sleep and woke up after few hours we went swimming for 2 hours and when we came back the room was freezing turki ran directly to his pjs and then to the bed sooo lma 9a7a he was suffering a headache and a sore throat.


Ghalia: tstahl a7d galk tnam w lsa ma nshaft nafsk?

Turki: ughh rasi

Ghalia: tmr6' 3ala a5r yomain? 5air?

Turki: ya bnt 5afi 3lay mu t'hz2eni

Ghalia: laaaa?

Turki: eee-laughing-

When i got closer to measure his fever with my hands he pushed me

Turki: mabi a3adekk

Ghalia: haw wsh t3adeni tra kla 9da3

Turki-gets a tissue-: w zkam

Ghalia: la ykon mtwa7m 3lay?????

Turki-pulls ghalia to the bed-: ma3ndi mushkela a3dek etha tben ethbat eni mu mtw7m ba3den 5air shayftni 7aml blshahr elthalth? -laughing-

Ghalia: m3 el karsha eli 6al3tlk mu blthalth ela el5ams

Turki: ya om jsm 7lu w ba3den kl hal rak6' w karsha -smirk-

Ghalia-fliping hair to the other side-: thanks mister karsha

We stayed in the room that day, the hotel we were staying in has a mini shop that sells movies and stuff, turki got us a comedy movie that i don't seem to remember we watched the movie and ate breakfast for dinner, who doesn't want that!?
We slept pretty early that day because turki was really tired and i didn't want to stay alone 9ra7a, and oh yeah turki hid my phone somewhere in the room 3shan "ma ansh3'l 3ana" wla law jawali m3ay kan 3adi elwa'63.. 

- last day-
I woke up before turki did w 7sabta mat wala i touched his forehead and he was boiling!

Ghalia: gom gom!!

Turki-twisting left and right-: esh wsh fek?

Ghalia: ga3d t7trg

Turki: leh

Ghalia: turki gom nro7 lel nurse eli bl hotel 

Turki: may7taj 

He was half asleep w 6b3an elbrood..

Ghalia: turki. Now.

Turki-messing up his hair-: ya lel lazm?

Ghalia: eee lazm a9lan esm3 9otk

Turki: elsa3a kam?

Ghalia: 10

Turki: may7taj bgom atrwsh b moya barda

Ghalia: haw!!!

Turki: 9adgeni mara7 amot-laughing-

Ghalia-giving him a look and getting from the bed angrily-

I walked to the chairs outside the room 3shan y3rf ynkt m3ay mara thanya wala ma a7keh lma yt2db.

After 5 minutes..

Turki-coughing-: excuse me mrs alx

Ghalia: ..

Turki: aywa!

Ghalia: ..

Turki: 6yb shofi elyom a5r yom may7taj nnkd w ketha


Turki: uff uff-laughing-

Turki: 6yb esm3i i promise batrwsh w btro7 el7rara hathi eli msbabtlk azma w ba3dha n6la3 l2n abi i spend every minute of this day. 

Ghalia: ..

Turki: nmr 3nd l nurse ya dala3

Ghalia: waala?

Turki: lhdrja t5afen 3lay? -smirk-

Ghalia: la ya baba 5ayfa ablsh fek

Turki: mashalah el rd jahzz

Ghalia: o9.

Turki-getting closer-: shut me if you can

Turki: a b c d e f g wa7d ethnen thlatha 7beeb el7ubbb wra wraaa

Ghalia-giving him a look-

Turki-getting even closer and singing with his sick voice-: i need you boo i gotta see you boo

Ghalia: maknt adri enk tsm3 chris brown

Turki: asm3a l3yonk 

Ghalia: aha

Turki: shut me

Ghalia: keep singing your voice sound better when you're sick mabi asktk 

I knew he wanted me to "kiss him to shut him" bs he ain't getting anything.

Turki: 3adi a9lan


Turki: ma7s fe shay y'67k

Ghalia-pouting-: tmn 3lay bl'67ka

Turki-looking up-: la

Ghalia: i win

Turki-getting more closer to where ghalia was standing-

When he was getting closer lately kan ymshi 56wa w ywgf w yswe ez3aj w elbab b3ed 3an where i was standing so ba3d hatha kla he walked normally to where i was sitting exactly fog rasi

Ghalia-laughing nervously because turki was staring-: what..

Turki-bending on both knees eye leveling ghalia-: la bs y3ni estaw3bt ena alah rzgni b zoja w 9dega w om w klshay bhaldnya 9dg ana ma adri wsh swait 3shan ast7gk w mabi agol akthr 3shan a5af a6'lmk bklami -cupping one cheek with his hand- l2n mahma glt w mahma swait ma awfek 7gk wifey w ashkr rabi 3alek l2nk mn akbr eln3m 

Ghalia-tearing up-: a7bk ana tdre?

Turki: prove it

Ghalia-laughing and crying- 

I bent slowly cupped his face and kissed him.. Without details bs forever and always i'll never get over the feeling i get everytime we kiss.

Turki: 9dagt

Ghalia-sighing in happiness-: zain

He was smiling ketha bdon ay klam.. 

Ghalia: shrayk tro7 trawsh?-laughing-

Turki: enti matben ttrawshen-smirk-

Ghalia: hey la!-laughing-

He's so dirty minded in a cute way..

Turki: trani zojk

Ghalia-pointing at the rooms door-

Turki: your loss

Ksr 5a6ri:(

Ghalia: lma ma tkon t3ban y9er 5air

Turki-laughing-: alah yjbr b5a6rk e5t 3'alia

Ghalia: s5ef-laughing-

He came out after 25 minutes with only a towel wrapped around his waist.. The bad part is that He smelled amazing eli t3rfon when someone smells good eli they became huggable? Ketha.. Bs i managed that don't worry. LOL.

Turki: 3amti 3'alia wsh rayk tro7en tlbsen?

Ghalia: leh? -starring at him-

Turki: loving what you see? 

Ghalia: haw ?-blushing- Bgom albs bs ba3d

Turki: yala yala-laughing-

Ghalia: bs wen bnrro7

Turki: surprise bsr3a gabl ma yro7 our reservation 

Ghalia: oka-aaay 7ajz bdoni.. Fe swimming?

Turki: la 

Ghalia: zain

I got dressed in a white cut back short playsuit that showed my tan perfectly i let my hair loos, i only applied some really simple make up since i was tanned enough i blushed my cheeks and applied eyeliner, mascara and eyeshadow and finishing it up with my all time favorite MAC's lipstick and ending up my look i wore a light brown leather zippers sandals.. 6b3an turki was nagging 6ol elwagt l2ni 6awlt ee ya baba all you did was slip the sweatpants He wore abercrombie's famous sweatpants and a cut sleeved white shirt that showed the sides of his stomach and i can't even begin to describe how hot he looked and yeah i did compliment him and something happened after that... 
Anyways after the thing that happened i re-applied my lipstick and combed my hair shway..

Turki: wooooh! Tawni arkz

Ghalia-touching her cheeks-: what?

Turki: mashallah 


Turki: allah y7f6'kk 

Ghalia: Mmm..

Turki: wala kamla w elkaml alah

Ghalia-tucking a standard of her hair behind her ears- 

Turki: yala -offering his hand-

When we walked to the door he opened it and i went out first so he just saw the cut in my playsuit

Turki: k2n elfat7a shway mubal3' feha?

Ghalia: ma a7s y3ni bs shway 6al3

6b3an 3'air eni labsa short w ma gal shay..

Turki: a7s law tlbsen cardigan aw shay

Ghalia: may7taj 

Turki: bkaifk

I knew he didn't want me to wear something i don't want l2n mu awal mara wla thani mara yswe el7arka fa shakla 3shan a5r yom gal bamsheha Hahahaha..

Anyways walking through the forest to get to the lobby was the best i liked walking in silence with him but i was going to die to know what he was up to!

Ghalia: wain bnro7 trani mayta jo3

Turki: bawdek makan fe akl

Ghalia: okay.. 

Turki: bs ma a6'mnlk nrj3 

Ghalia: haw!

Turki-laughing-: amz7 amz7 -pressing on my hand-

Ghalia: ashwa abi arj3 canada tra 

Turki: 9eri romancya goli abi a3esh m3ak kam sana shay

Ghalia: b canada bnkon swa

Turki: ee magltlk 

Ghalia: esh?

Turki: fahad ra7 shaf apartments 7ool el7ay eli ho feh w ygol lga thnten w 7ajz nshofha ba3d esbo3 

Ghalia: kl tha y9er w ana madri?

Turki: nray7k mn el7osa

Ghalia: ufff i'm so excited mu 6be3y kaif mshtagtlhom!!!!!

Turki: wala ana wdi ma ashof ela enti bldnyaa 

Ghalia: too much for one day-laughing and blushing-

Turki: hatha w 7na tawna badeeen

He was being extra romantic and cheesy today, l2n the past few days makano the perfect honeymoon days so ga3d y3aw6'ni..

We reached the lobby and i totally forgot about turki's fever and that we should visit the hotel's nurse..

Turki: eg3di w ana baklmhom shway

10 minutes later he came back.. 

Turki: mshaina?

Ghalia-tucking her hand in turki's-

We walked to the other side of the beach, fe side 3nd el 3'uraaf w the other side eli feh activities and stuff..

Ghalia: gltli mafe sba7a

Turki: wala mafe sba7a

Ghalia: 6yb leh hena?

T3rfon el boats eli yjon mu mara kbar w eli they work on a slow engine? Elmuhem ja wa7d on the side of the beach and he called us we headed there..

Turki: yala jump

Ghalia: awww

Turki-laughing-: yala

When we got in i turned to the indian guy and smiled at him and he smiled back "al7en tha byjls m3na?"

Turki: tben n6'e3 bn9 elba7r?

Ghalia: nooo

Turki-laughing-: 5ala9 ajal

The guy started the engine and he drove off, turki got out a basket full of food i was s t a r v i n g. Ba3lm ahli ena zoji ma y2klni!:)

Turki-getting out a peanut butter jar-

Ghalia: yummm! 

Turki: wait for it wait for it!!-gets out a mini jam jar-


Turki: mu'67ka-laughing-

We started eating and the guy played an indian song b his phone it was cute bs shway muz3ja LOL

Turki-getting out his camera-: 6al3enii


Turki: al7en look at the right ka2nk ma tdren

Ghalia-laughing-: ok

Then he asked the guy to stop the engine to take pictures of us, one him side hugging me and the other one he made me laugh and the guy perfectly snapped it and the third i had my head laying on his shoulder and his head on top of mine but we weren't look to the camera, as cheesy as this may sound, it happened. Walla tra fe kther zy turki, i know i know i'm blessed.

I sat back to my place 3shan the boat's balance..

Ghalia: eee?

Turki: 9a7bt fahda e5ti elyom arsltli Direct message

Ghalia-raising both eyebrows-: leeh-disgust- ?

Ghalia-laughing sarcastically-: ma tdre enk rjal mtzwj?

Turki: ela barktli he

Ghalia: wow 9ra7a mara t9aruf ygol ana aswe blwajb

Turki: haw wsh fek?

Ghalia: la ykon rdait bs?

Turki: asfh elbnt y3ni? 

Ghalia: w leh ma gltli mn awal ma arslt!?

Turki: esm3i ana ma gltlk 3shan t39ben bs agolk enha barktli mu enti glti goli men t25r 3alek

Ghalia: ya slaaaam! Y3ni t'hmk barktlk wla la-laughing- lesh mswy follow back a9lan!

Turki: kna 3ala asas swa lma knt blthanawi fa 3aib

Ghalia: aha

I was pms-ing too. It's been a month so it was the time.

Turki: ena lelah

Ghalia: you're so rude

Turki: 3shan i was being honest? W 3shan ma 5bait 3ank 7ta my past 9rt rude

I don't know why this is happening bs daym ygolon ba3d '67k, bakii:) 

Ghalia: i'd rather no nothing about the girls you talked to wla you telling me enha barktlk w direct messages

Turki: tra shway kabarti elsalfa w he wla shay!?

Ghalia: i'm dizzy w abi arj3

Turki: shfeeek!!

Ghalia: men ba3d barklk

Turki: haifa w yasmeen bnat 5alati 

Turki: wa7da kant my friend bs 

Ghalia-giving the you're dead look-

Turki: 5wyt 9degi 

Turki-laughing-: amz7 amz7 wala bs he w rdait b brod yala 3ad let's make today memorable -holding ghalia's hands-

Ghalia: wdi a6gk right now!! 

Ghalia: 6yb dam you're being honest, msaa3d wald 3ami barkli w kamlha salfa

Turki: 6yb?

Ghalia: agolk kamlha swalef!

Turki: he knows you're married and he's a good guy 6b3an tafkera mara7 yro7 b3ed

Ghalia-shocked expression-: 6yb

Turki: i'm not happy about that bs wld 3mk blnhaya

Ghalia: 6yb -looking to the side-

Turki-holding ghalia's cheek-: 6al3eni

Ghalia: n3am?

Turki: you are the one and only women i'd sacrifice my life for after my mother, my one and only wife, friend and lover. 
Mafro6' abd mayhmk men yjeni w men y7akeni l2n mfro6' tkonen 7a6a fe rask ena mahma 9ar w mahma kan enti btbgain 7bebti
Y3ni bnt 7aktni dm's? So what? 7ta law face to face? Mara7 ta5thni mnk you're mine ga3d 3ala galbk okay? W daym e3rfi ena hal7aki mayngal ela lk w bs lma tkonen l7alk fa y3ni feel special w e5l9i 3lena-laughing-

I looked him in the eye for a minute and then hugged him really really tight, i was so tiny between his hands but it felt so good. 

Ghalia-while hugging-: 6yb shokran

Turki-pulling back and laughing-: kl tha 7aya

Ghalia: emhm-shyly-

We stayed for one more hour and then we went back to the hotel, and i couldn't be happier 9a7 we had this mini fight and i'm a really easily jealous person w drama queen bs he's my freaking husband and damn he's fine! W a3rf 7rkat elbnat 7ta elmtzwjen mayslmon mnhom fa 5ft.. Bs after that it was perfect! I really loved the end of the month.

Turki: tben sprite?-still coughing-

Ghalia: he2!!  Nsena nro7 el nurse yala yala -pulling his hand-

Turki: mafeni ela el3afya mama

Ghalia: ana nasya w agol wsh feh tha bs ytsd7 3lay

We went to the nurse she gave him 2 fever pills and one for sore throats after we came out we realized it was 4PM and we only had like 3-4 hours to pack.

Turki: bro7 ajebli gahwa tben shay?

Ghalia: mu wagta!!

Turki: ela wgta -fake cough- ana t3ban-fake cough-

Ghalia: la t6awl bs ent eli bt9l7 shan6tk

Turki: wsh sha3'lt elzoja???

Ghalia-walking to the other side where the room were-


4 hours m3ay ana w turki ma tkafi l2n mara 6be3y while we're packing tmsk m3ah ysolf wla ay shay y56r 3ala balkom

I felt my stomach cramps were getting stronger so i went to the bathroom and it was the day, at least i'm not pregnant :$ 

I wore my comfy sweats and a white tank top and continued packing i was half done with mine ma aw9flkom gd esh 7osa.. 
Turki came in after 15 minutes

Turki: etrki eli byadk w emshi nsb7 a5r mara

Ghalia-blushing-: ma agdr..

Turki: leh?

Ghalia: wsh leh.. Magdr

Turki: faj2a est7aiti

Ghalia: turki la tst3b6

Turki: haw wala mdri wsh tgolen

Ghalia: jatni ya 3'theeth

Turki: oka-ay goli ketha

 Y3ni mu awal mara turki 9arli a3rf for almost 2 years now :)=))

We finished packing at 6:30, my cramps were getting even worse and turki was so scared that he had to deal with it.. A3'rab yom mn w9lna

Turki: esh ywa5r el alam? Panadol?

Ghalia: brufen 3adi tjebleyah mn el handbag? -while laying on the bed-

Turki: ajeblk 9aydlya kamla law tben

7bebi LOL:(

He got me 2 pills, nawy ymawtni..

Ghalia-while leaning on turki's thighs-:  tdre kathrt el brufeen mub zaina ygolon tjeb el38m

Turki-playing with ghalia's hair-: w enti kl ma tha aklti ma ynf3!

Ghalia: ya tha ya ebra w i hate injections 

Turki-kissing ghalia's forehead-: 7bebi el5waf

We had 1 and a half hour more 3shan nro7 el ma6ar bema ena mara b3ed ba3den 3 hours to our flight, so 4 hours t8reban.. 

Ghalia: ymdi anam?

Turki: shrayk t5lenha bl6yara?

Ghalia: aaah 

Turki: yala gomi elbsi your jacket bro7 aswe check out w ajeb el3rbya

Ghalia: 6yb

I got up and did my last minute check ups and said goodbye to the beach</3 turki and i took our last picture with the beach being our view i had my hoodie on my head and turki was squeezing me to his chest like i was freezing, the best month i have ever lived in my entire life. 

Skipping to our flight.. 
I had trouble with being dizzy from my period and lack of food.. But thankfully turki managed that we flew off to france stayed there for 2 hours and then to canada, toronto and theeeen ottawa at last.

-on our way to ottawa-

Turki: 7yati elt3ban j3la feni

Ghalia-tucking her self under turki's arm-: bard wla at5yl?

Turki: ela shway bard 

Turki asked one of the airplane staff to get us a blanket i slept for a whole hour a5eran w gmt 3ala a5r n9 sa3a 3shan ma anzlhom w wjhi mfg3, you know elshela byst8blona blm6aar.

Turki: i'm kind of excited t9dgen?

Ghalia-cupping turki's cheek-: 7bebi ana

Ghalia: i'm so tired wala

Turki: bnro7 3ala shgti 

Ghalia: ma na5th hotel?

Turki: haw leh

Ghalia: 3shan a5af m3'abra

Turki: la eli a3rfa ena fahad ygol noor w noura mswen make over

Ghalia-laughing-: a7bhom!!

The half an hour passed like a year i couldn't wait to see them!!! 

Bagi ashya2na eli felriyadh ensh7nu gabl kam yom w fahad estlamha 9dg we own this guy big time! 

As we landed my stomach ached in excitement aaaaah..<3 
Ottawa's airport gd e9b3i w mafeh ay shay lh d5l bljawaz 3ala 6ol nnzl mn el escalator to where the thing 7g elbags w bs elbab eli ya6al3 3ala elshar3 as we were getting down of the escalator, fahad noor and noura were standing in excitement noura kant ng6a w trgalna mn el7mas hahahahha 

Noura-running for a hug-: omg my newlyweds eshtgtlkom!!!

Noor: hala hala hala!! 

Fahad: abooo turk!! W swait'ha ya rjal!!-guys weird hand shake-

Turki: ba3d 3anaaaa2 6weel mab3'at t9er ya rjal!

Ghalia: wain ibrahim!!!!!!

Fahad: y'6ab6 ashya2 byrj3 alriyadh bukra bs m6'ab6lkomb gahwa t3dl mzajkom al7en bnro7la!

Turki: eeh bs bnrj3 lshgti awal nrj3 ashaya2na w ghalia ta3banaa

Noor: ya kthaaab!!

Ghalia: haw wsh tben enti walla -whispering- jatni ams 

Noor: weeeh!!! Noura mashi mashi nro7 nswe el3daa

And that wasn't it:$! If you want more details go check the FINALE. 

(turki now hatha elyomain 6ay7 b 7arkat ela abi baby he saw his new baby cousin lma rj3 alriyadh fel9aif and he came back almost going to fly "3'alia mta yje wldi tra 6fsht entii e7mli w ana bt7ml elbagi a7lf" he sounded like a cute only child talking to his parents about wanting a new brother/sister he is dying to have his own baby so there might be a chapter in a couple of months about that? Who knows stay tuned:$ ) 


So? How was it?