Wednesday, February 27, 2013

In A Hearbeat Ch.21

E N J O Y!!! big words in this one.


Faj2a nshoof 3a2ila 5alejya gdamna burning us with stairs and looks, almost killing us, turki slid his hand out of mine and we continued walking until one of the 5alejyat stopped us..

a woman in her mid 40's you can say? Wearing a floral 7jaab she cut us talking w ektshfat ena 3aarb.. Y5aleeli my loud people bs law yg9ron a9wt'hom shway..

Woman: 7beebaati ento s3ooden?

Her 7jaazi accent showed fa t2akdt enhom s3odeen.

Noura-smiling-: ee b3'aiti shay?

Woman: la ya galbi 7aabit at2akd bs

Woman: ewa goleli ento kolakom m3 ba36'? -pointing at the guys-

Ghalia: ee

Woman: tgrabo lba36'?

I don't know where she was going with this!

And I know I had to lie with this.

Ghalia: la 5alti e7na bbljam3a swa jayen trip hena

Woman: aaah allah ywafgkom jamee3an

She sounded relived lol.. Her husband and 2 girls were standing behind her talking makano y6al3on..

We continued walking and talking and acting crazy ka2n mafe ela e7na.

Ghalia: ana mshtahya ice cream!!!!

Noor: w ana baaaaa3d!!! W a brownie m3aah yallah eljannaaaah

Noura-laughing so hard-: ana madri enti shlon lsa n7eefaa

Noor-dala3 tone-: ibrahimmmmmm!!!!

Ibrahim: men sb noor -killing noura with his eyes-

Ghalia: let's not start this fight please?

Turki-whispering in my ears-: amoooot 3ala elmuslmen

I blushed and hit him on his shoulder

Fahad: 3'alooya ice cream?

Ghalia: please!!

Fahad: fe m7l henak-pointing-

Noor: omg!!! A7baaaaa

Fahad: gdaaaaaam

Turki: ntsabg?

Ghalia-sarcastically- : gltli you're turning 22 tonight?

SHIT!!! We were supposed to act as if we forgot.

Noura-hitting ghalia-: o9

I don't think he heard aw he's acting aw shay l2n mard 3aly..

Ghalia-covering her mouth-: bl3'ala6

So we're not 3 girls in front of 3 guys, lol..

Fahad went to order our ice creams

Ghalia: ana abi vanilla

Fahad: noura tbeen esh?

Noura: zaayk

Ibrahim: w ana w noor mint chocolate

Ghalia: matbe? -talking to turki-

Turki: la I'm not a fan

Ghalia: you're missing a lot 7beebii

turki: damni 7bebk I'm not missing anything -wink-

Ghalia: it slipped w makan ga9di I flirt beee teee doubleu.

Turki: elaaa mtg9da 5ala9 3adi -laughing-

Ghalia-hiding her face-: ugggghh

Turki: so btjen m3ay 3nd elfalls elyom?

Ghalia: why? L7alna? La mabi

Turki: mn mta?

Ghalia: mn el7en

Turki: bkaifkk

Ghalia: la ta5th a7d m3ak ya ana ya r7 l7alk

Turki: ya slaaam! W enti matben tjen shswi fek?

Ghalia: kaifi ya5ii, faaahad yala!!

Turki: leh t'hrben mni?

Ghalia: ya5i you ask too much questions!!

Turki-laughing-: shofi ja ice cream-k

Ghalia- sticking her tongue-

Turki: ag9h lk tra

Ghalia: we'll see.

We took some pictures and fooled around, noor and noura shot a music video in niagara falls streets..

Turki: ro7i m3ahom -laughing-

Ghalia: I'm crazy but not that crazy

Turki: ajal 5aala9 maynf3 n9er a97aab

Ghalia: men gal ena a97ab?

Turki: baby my heart!!!! -his hand on his chest-

Ghalia: mn el9ba7 w ent galbk bs ytksr you should be dead by now

Turki: you want me dead?

Ghalia: no

Turki: kthaba tbeni amoot

Fahad: 3aklia ana madri enti shlon mt7mla elmurah8 tha

Ghalia: ent elmuraah8 ma asm7lk bs ana asb

Turki: a7laaaa!! -side hugging ghalia- that's my girl

Ibrahim: amana shoofo elmhabl

The 2 were far away from us dancing? And ibrahim was shooting the video Ma adri 9ar7a..

It was 7PM and we still got few more hours to do whatever we want we stopped scratch the WE, fahad turki and ibrahim stopped 3nd a place w kan kla video games 3rafto eli if you win t6la3lk tickets

Ghalia: mnjdkom? 22 , 21 and 20 w btd5lon tl3bon?

Noor: ana wa7da ma3rrfkooom slaaam -walking away-

Ibrahim-pulling her by her hand-: gdami enti awal wa7da btl3ben

Ghalia: noura yala mshena

Noura: bsr3a bsr3a

Turki: not a chance -side hugging ghalia- yala 3shani?

Noura: waaaaai3 kam mara gltlkom get a room!!!

Fahad-coughs-: noura -coughs- gdami enti ba3d

Noura: hey hey what's wrong t3ban?

Fahad: la mdri 3adi bs ka7a

Noura-her hand on fahad's forehead-: you're burning!!!

Fahad: burning hot -winks-

Noura: mnjdii fahad 7rartk ashk 9aka el 40!!

I stared at them while noura acted like a mommy she really cared about him! I guess fahad caught a flu after the water from the falls..

Fahad: wsh d3waaaaaa

Noura: we. Are. Going. Back.

Fahad: 3ala kaifkk mnb raj3

Ghalia: mommy noura 5aleh mara7 ymoot

Fahad: YES!!!

Turki: a7la a7la fahoood

Ghalia: ent wsh tbe ed5l yala el3ab

Fahad: w ana ba3d bye

Turki-pulling ghalia-: 3shaaani?

So we played and played and got tons and tons and TONS of tickets! LOL and it was 9 by that time and we were tired as shit..

While ibrahim was side hugging noor

Noor: sleepy and hungry-sigh-

Noura: same here

Turki: wain wdkom nt3asha?

Ghalia: chilies ta7t el hotel

Turki: chilies it is

Ibrahim: ooooooho 3ad 3ndhom brownies with ice cream!! Ha noor tben?

Noor: YES!

Fahad was whispering something in noura's ear and she was blushing and laughing lol cuties!

Noura: fahad t3ban ana wyah bnrga

Turki: wsho enti leh tro7en ho yro7 yrta7

Noura: la bakmda w ketha

Fahad: turki e3trf 3'ayrann

Noura: mhm!!!

Ghalia: klo w klna bnrga b3dha noura you're hungry mnb nazla m3ak fel lail njeblk akl

Noura: ugh -pulling fahad- 5ala9 nrj3 mara wa7da klna

Turki: way to go 3'aloya

Ghalia: a3jbk

Turki: w akthr -wink-

So we sat and we eat and we talked and enjoyed our day like it's our last!

Ghalia: good night guys

Noura: goodnight yaldobab

Noor: barhoom la tnsa t6arshli el9waar

Ibrahim: mn 3yooni

Turki: hey 3'alia don't forget to check your bbm

Ghalia: will do t9ba7 3ala 5air

We were still acting like we don't know that his birthday is only 2 hours away!

-inside the room-

Noura: 9dg yom mara7 ansaaah!!

Noor: 9j a day to remember!!

Ghalia: wsh bnswe lturki bukra it's his birthday !!

Noor: cake w surprise 93'eera

Ghalia: eee aked bs shlon w ketha

Noor: I'll get the cake bachr el9b7 w we surprise before we leave


Noor: olaaah! Kel hatha 3shaaana?

Ghalia: la haw.. -blushing-

Noura-coming out of the bathroom and imitating turki's voice-: don't forget to check your bbm

Ghalia: shit 9a7!

I checked my phone it was 10:30PM bl6'ab6.

Turki: hey cutie

Turki: I mean sexy. :D

Turki: 6alabtk w la trdeeny-10:25PM-

Ghalia: hehe!:$

Ghalia: amir?

Turki: enzli m3ay elyom :(

Ghalia: I will!! Bs knt astahbl:p

Turki: GOOD! Meet me in the lobby at 11:30?

Ghalia: inshallah<3

Okay so :$ I did buy turki something while we were walking kan fe zy street mini shops w they had men bracelets and stuff like that and turki is a biggg fan of brown leather bracelets if you know what I mean? So I bought him two of that and I'll be getting him chocolates right now and a flower from the shop in the lobby annnnnd I was going to send him a short speech on bbm so that will do? right? Right.

ghalia: tra ba6l3 m3 turki

Noura: birthday night w ketha -wink-

Ghalia: SHUT UP

Noor: mu t5aaa6ren w tboseeena!!

Ghalia: you two are disgusting.

Noor: man 3ashr 8awman 40 yawman 9ar menhom

Ghalia: byeee ..

Noor: wain waaain?

Ghalia: getting turki some flowers and chocolate

Noura: awwwwwwww

-skipping to 11:30-

Ghalia: I'm down

I hid the flowers bracelets and chocolate inside of my bag since it was big it wasn't obvious..

Turki: yala bl elevator

Ghalia: I can see you

Turki: hahaha
Ghalia: hi

Turki: looking fresh

Ghalia: that's because I took a shower -laughing-

Turki: re7tk mumayza vanilla w shay bs mdri esh

Ghalia: pink sugar

Turki: mdri wsh tha bs shaklla 7lu

Ghalia: ee dama 3ajbk

Turki: shall we ?

Ghalia: we shall!!

Turki: so mta agrb wagt btro7en feh lriyadh?

Ghalia: atw83 after a month or two 9dg eshtagt lbaitna w 3'urfti akthr shay

Turki: bs mara zain enk t2a8lamti bsr3a y3ni el7amdellah

Turki: ana kni bazr a54t waggt akthr mn shahren a3ani

Ghalia-laughing-: la el7amdellah mt3awda 3al new atmospheres!!

I was checking the clock every two minutes 3shan when it reaches 12 I was going to give him his simple gift.

We walked till we reach the falls it was beautiful from a view mn foog it had some rainbow lights since it was night and the minute we get closer to the falls it weather colder and colder

Turki: your sisters birthday Is that important!?

Ghalia: very!! She's turning 25

Turki: el3umr kella

Ghalia: so esh mu56a6t bukra

Turki: no mu56a6at breakfast ndor downtown lunch ba3den we head back to ottawa

Ghalia-sad tone-: NOOOOOOOO!!! I don't want to leave -hugging herself-

Turki: I can hug you if you want

Ghalia: I wouldn't say no for hugs

He hugged me and I wish he'd never let go, seriously the best hug it's too cute I almost cried :') it lasted for 40 seconds to a minute because it lasted long he started swinging lol he's too cute!!

Ghalia-letting go-: hug 3an 100 hug

Turki: I'll do that more often if you let me -wink-

Ghalia: no mister 1 every month is enough

Turki: deal.


We walked after that in silence for more than 5 minutes, eljaw kan r6ooba w bard w klshay bl7yat 7lu :') ykafi ena turki m3ay seriously, I'm blessed.

It was 12. The moment 9ar7a I didn't know how to stop him y3ni wsh agol Mmm hey turki happy birthday! 6ab3an la.. Madri shsawi after 5 minutes of thinking 3ala ena kan ysolf w a7awl ard bs I was to busy making up a scene inside my head..

Ghalia: t7sbna nsaina your birthday?

Turki-laughing-: so you remember?

Ghalia: how would I forget

Turki: w klkom tdron?

Ghalia: eeeeh!!

Turki-laughing-: hi I just turned 22.

Ghalia: I know!!!!!!! That's awesome come here -opens her hand for a hug-

Ghalia-while hugging turki-: happy birthday

Turki-still hugging-: couldn't be happier w ana m3ak

I blushed.

Turki: I can feel you blushing

Ghalia-laughing and letting go of turki-: shut up!!

Ghalia: I have something for you

Turki: you are enough.

Ghalia: la la 9dg I do

Turki: walla enti tkafeni w tswen eldnya w mafeha 3'alia

Ghalia-blushing-: thank you

Ghalia: here -giving him the flowers-

It was 1 white flower and 1 yellow one and 1 red.

Turki-pinching ghalia's cheek-: you're so cute

Ghalia: hahahaha -blushing- wait for it

Turki: t3rfen wsh m3na elwarda el9afra?

Ghalia: please shock me

Turki: els3ada w el3'eera w el7ub -wink-

Ghalia-hiding her face-: NOOOO

Turki: and the red one means love

Ghalia: ee bs I just like the colors!!!!

Turki: mat7beni y3ni?

Ghalia: you ask too much questions buddy!

Turki: I do bs jawbeni?

Ghalia-giving turki the chocolate and the bracelet-

Turki: what's inside the small box?

Ghalia: shoof

Turki-opening the box-: tdren knt bashtreha!!! You understand me baby

Ghalia-blushing-: 7saait tshbahlk!!

Turki: kaif ma shftk w enti tshtren-shocked-

Ghalia: I have my ways -wink-

Ghalia: w el chocolate mu tbl3a byom!!

Turki: yes ma'am!!

Ghalia-laughing-: it's getting late we should get back

Turki: bnrj3 bs only if you answered

Ghalia: bring it

Turki: mat7beni?

Ghalia: turki

Turki: la tjawbeni

Turki: bs ana turki a7bk

Turki: walla a7bk!

-to be continued-

1-Don't forget to comment down below or it keeps me going!! :*

2-i will be posting the khalid and haya chapter tomorrow;D

3- if you need help i'll be more than glad to help so kik me: gblogger or on ask:


  1. AHHHH! s3ada ;') mara jmeeeeeel mashallah! ya5i laish twgfen 3la mwa8f t7ms?

  2. amazinggggg!!! keep going

  3. Bobo when ever turki talks i blush lesh ma2dry ??? W ba6nnyy y9eer y3wwrrrr im so jelly of ghalia i hate her !!!
