Wednesday, October 31, 2012



Ok, hi.
By the time you read the chapter you'll find some difference, the way of writing is different, the organization is different everything is perfect, different.
She is perfect different herself:')! You got that right my friend did write this chapter "YES, I KNOW. SHE IS SO VERY GOOD. I KNNNNOOOOW! A7SN MNI! She is amazing!! Tell her that she won't listen!:)"
Why didn't i write the chapter? Because ya5ii I wanted her to write it.. I want to show you guys how good she is!! She spent almost 3 hours typing this down (ba3d ma 7neet sa3a) for your entertainment so thank her for that <3
Yes, she IS the same person who wrote the intro on chapter 26..

"We'll be friends forever, won't we pooh?' Asked piglet. Even longer.' Pooh answered." I love you twinie. Heeee2. -hugs you in her mind- LOL<3

Okay back to earth sorry for the long intro I just had too... Anyways I know you will enjoy this chapter, because I DID! <3

Change the ? To ' in your head:D

A week passed since Abeer's trauma, I seriously don?t know why she dislikes me so much!?
What did I ever do to her? It's not like I stole her boyfriend, Khalid is her brother for god?s sake.

I?ve been meaning to talk to Abeer again, it seems like she didn?t get it the first time..
She?s my sister and I love her and all, but not when it comes to Haya!?
Haya?s heart is as pure as water, I know she would never mean to do anything against Abeer.
I?ve decided I wouldn?t wait any longer, Haya almost left me last week because of her drama, I?m gonna talk to her now.

Khalid: Abeer

Abeer: Haa ?while bbming-

Khalid: abi aklmk b mw'6o3

Abeer: ma t5ali9 mwa'6e3k? ?annoyed-

Khalid: 3beer elbnt ma sawatlk shay!

Abeer: y3ni lazm nrj3 w n3ed kl shay?

Khalid: ana bs abi a3rf wsh sawtlk?

Abeer: 5alid tra elbnt abd ma t9l7lna w ent 3arf hatha elshay!

Khalid: 5air? Wsh ma t9la7lna? Ana eli btzwjha wla enti?:)

Abeer: bkefk a9ln mdre leh ana mhtama fek!

And she left me sitting alone in the living room, I just hope she doesn?t do anything to Haya anymore.

The next day:

Just another day at school..

I was just getting out of class, looking for my friends so we can continue a science project, and that's when I bumped into Sara.

Sara: -goes in for hug- HAYAA!

Haya:-hugs her back- hahaha sara wsh fek mt7msa shaklk nayma badri ams?

Sara: hehe la bs knt adwr 3lekk abek tjen my DJ this Wednesday! :D ?hands her the invitation-

Haya: Oh, inshallah I?'ll see..
Sara: la laa you're coming akeed! I know somebody that wants to see you;)

Haya: -blushing- hahaha Inshallah

The rest of the school day was normal, nothing interesting.

At 7:00PM

I got a phone call, and I immediately smiled when I saw the caller ID, you all know whom that was.

Khalid: Hala bli ma ts2al 3ni

Haya: Laa wallah I was doing my homework:(

Khalid: Amz7 amz7 m9dgk wallah, elzbda kaifk?

Haya: '39bn 3nk, el7mdellah kwaisa, ent?

Khalid: b5air damk b5air, haa wsh btlbsen yom elarbi3a?

Haya: albs 7g esh..?

Khalid: Sara?s DJ-.-

Haya: oh thaaat, I'm not sure if I'm coming a9ln

Khalid: la 7bebti you're coming abi ashofk:(

Haya: 7ta law I came, ma bshofk
Khalid: HEE2 ?y3ni shahga-

Haya: what now?-.-

Khalid: you don't miss me?:(

Haya: 7bebi I do bs I can?t see in your own house! w la b3d law 3beer shaftna?

Khalid: I promise m7d byshof please come:(-sad tone-

Haya: ughh you know I can?t resist that tone

Khalid: maybe you can't resist seeing me?;)

Haya: eff okay:c

Khalid: 7beeeebti walah<3 yalla continue doing your homework..

Haya: Yalla bbye

Khalid: bye

I really want to go to Sara?s DJ, I'm nervous,?I don?t know what to expect from Abeer, but I still want to see Khalid..  


So today's Wedneday, which means I get to see Khalid today\o/ I think that?s the only thing that got me through this week, it was terrible! I tried so hard not make any tension between Abeer and I, but her stares and glares were unbearable! It?s like she wanted to start a fight so bad, but something was stopping her.

I got back from school and Sama tagged along, Basma couldn?t come because she had a wedding to attend.

Haya: Sama! I'm kind of nervous to see 5alid today

Sama: Haw, it's not like the first time you see him

Haya: Ee adre bs it?s the first time he sees me all dolled up w actually looking good

Sama: don?t worry I?m sure he?ll love it;)

By 6:30PM Sama and I started getting ready.

I started waving my hair, and Sama started straightening hers.

Sama was going to do my make-up, since I?m not that fond of beauty products, and Sama is an expert mashallah.
After we were done with our hair & make-up, I wore a strapless short dress; it was sequined from the top, hugging my waist into pink ruffle-like strings, it reached above my knees. I paired it with black classic heals.

Sama: Omg hayaa!! Mashallah shaklk marra 7luu, I bet 5alid will go crazy

Haya: hehe thank youuu:$

Sama wore a cute, white, one shoulder dress paired with gold heals and accessories. She looked super cute!

On our way to Sara?s, my stomach was making weird noises, I hope it doesn?t rumble in front of Khalid. I skipped lunch today, bad idea.

When we got there, Sara greeted us with her famous hugs and kisses.

While hugging me she whispered in my ear:?5alid ystanak bldewaniya, ta3ali m3ay?

I just followed her silently without saying a word, I was beyond nervous.

She led me to their dewaniya and left, I knocked the door just to make sure Khalid is inside.

Khalid: meen?

Haya: ana haya ?low voice-

He opened the door with a grin on his perfect shaped face.

He didn?t say anything he just kept staring at me, while I was blushing like crazy.

Khalid: Haya ?he pulled my hand making me go inside the dewaniya-

Haya: hmm ?keeping my head down-

Khalid: -pushing my face upwards gently- you look simply amazing, you?re beautiful haya

Haya: Shokran 5alid ?tomato face-

Khalid: -pinching my cheeks- yazen elwajh ela7mar

Haya: heeeyy

Khalid: tra I still didn?t get my hug, don?t I deserve one?

I came forward, when all of a sudden I felt his hands wrapping around my waist, lifting me off the floor, hugging me tightly.

Haya: 5alid!! nazzlni 5ala9 I?ll hug you like normal people

Khalid: tdren eni a7bk?

Haya: I don?t ella etha nzltni

Khalid: -putting me down- esh glti?

Haya: umm a7bk:$

And with no warning, his lips crushed mine, making me forget whatever?s around me.

When he was done kissing me, he kept his face centimeters away, his nose touching mine, while he was staring and smiling.

That?s when the door opened and??   

1 comment:

  1. Your friend is right , you are AMAZING <3 <3
