Thursday, October 4, 2012


I know NOTHING about MSN so skip any mistakes, hahaha.*


Yesterday was full of events, the surprise, sara's surprising message , me going into a new mess/world, too much for me.
Rima was still asleep and I was bored and it was early w makan wdi agwmha so I got out of the room took my laptop with me and stayed in the 9ala with my hot choco.
I opened my laptop, I dived through youtube and typed "yellow by coldplay" *headphones on, world off*
While the song blasted through my ears I checked my emails and msn I remembered that I gave sara my email so I checked the requests and found
KhalidAl.X bla bla bla {accept or decline} 3aib a9ln I have to accept because I gave sara  the email myself. -accepted-
Few seconds and baaam khalidal.X is online.
Khalid:heeey screaming lady
Haya:its not funny anymore you know
Khalid:woooh asfen makan ga9dii
Haya:its ok
Khalid:don't be like this
Haya: like what?
Khalid: haya tra you're not forced to talk if you don't want me just delete me 9dg
*i felt guilty for being cold 3ala asas thgela*
Haya:la haw wsh d3wa mu ga9di shay bs I was distracted with the tv:p
Khalid: ok kaifk ms.haya?
Haya: 7mdelah ent kefk?
Khalid: 7mdelah kwais
Khalid: summer is going to end in 2 weeks are you ready for your senior year;)?
Haya: mashallah you know I'm going to be a senior:p
Khalid: ee y3ni sara galtli
Haya: sure:p
Khalid: so what are you doing w t3ali its early lesh 9a7ya:o ?
Haya: I'm doing nothing I'm bored actually:( 9a7et because I slept early lol
Khalid: I see I see
Haya: yeaah
Khalid: let's webcam shrayk?
Haya: haw slow it down buddy
Khalid: sorry I didn't mean anything bs ena nsolf w ketha
Haya: la I don't feel like it plus I look horrible I just woke up an hour ago;p
Khalid: I'm sure you look beautiful <3 bkefk="bkefk" br="br" bs="bs"> *omg is he flirting, its cute*
Haya: thanks<3 br="br"> Khalid: sooooooo
*he doesn't want it to end how c u t e is that?*
Haya: so......
Khalid: ok this is getting boring let's play a game?
Haya: okaaaay esh?
Khalid: truth or dare
Haya: akrh shay bl7yat bs 6fshana fabl3b
Khalid: ha.ha. Me first truth or dare
*a5af agol truth w ys2lne shay w atfshl wla y7jrli w a5af agol dare w he dares me to do something really bad, I don't trust him at that*
Haya: truth
Khalid: biggest secret?
Haya: I don't have secrets 9ar7a..
Khalid: COME ON.. Tkthben 3aly;) ?
Haya: haw 9dg
Khalid: ok then I dare you to webcam me etha ma3ndk secret
*i thought about it, I don't see it bitchy and he seems really mu7tarm and he already saw me ya3ni  w etha shafni right now may6'r plus aftk mn el7ana*
Haya: 1 minute only.
*khalid wants to webcam you*
-ma afhm b msn mra trani fa ignore any stupid things-
I felt a flip inside me, my stomach started flipping and hurting, good kind of pain.
*faj2a elwald tan7*
Khalid: sorry tan7t shway
Haya: I can see.. -little laugh-
Haya: you have one minute from now.
Khalid: its not fair..
Haya: tick tock... A9ln do u have something to say wla bs ketha?
Khalid: hehe la bs ketha
Haya: ok then bbye mister
Khalid: la la wait I have something to say
*again with the flips*
Haya: yeah?
Khalid: la amz7 hawnt wak -laughing hard-
Haya: you suck -ends the chat-
Khalid: I'm sorry ;p I didn't want the chat to end that's all.. Your face is too beautiful. And you don't look a bit horrible..
*inside scream*
Haya: apology accepted.
*i was too shy to thank him*
Khalid: has anyone ever told you that you have the cutest voice?
*another scream* *where is he going he's taking it too fast*
Haya: aw thank you:$
Khalid: el7ag yngal<3 br="br"> And we kept chit chatting about random stuff he said couple of things that I didn't seem to understand, the had a bigger meaning but he wasn't making it clear.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from STC

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