Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Forty six

a5eran ba3d 3ana2 6weeel, I'm sooooo sorry for being late w klshwya agol ba3d sa3a, bs 9dg 9arat salfa w ketha w tawni rja3t akaml ketaba..
I tried my best to make this chapter long and exciting and full of events so I hope its realistic enough for you to believe, and entertaining enough:D
You guys 9dg mabga shay w I end the story akthr shay mumkin aw9la 52 chapter fa enjoy it!!!!!!:D<3
a7bkom gad eli malla gad<3
Haya: wenk!?

Khalid: shfti elamakn eli bara? Ana b a5r wa7d m6'alm mafeh a7d atw83 mayn6'fona 7ta

Haya: mnb jaya 5air!

Khalid: walla mabswee shay haya shd3wa

Haya: w a97abk wenhom?

Khalid: ra7o java

Haya: sure?

Khalid: 8smbilah!!!

Khalid: yala yala

Haya: eff 6ayb I'm risking my life for you!!!

Khalid: a7bk

Haya-getting out-

Hamad: 3ala wain?

Haya-m39ba-: 7mam!!!

Basma: someone is pms-ing

Rima: eee its the time of the month

Omg.. Akrhom. Hamad sat their quite he tried not to laugh but he couldn't


And I walked out heading to where khalid is, I don't know you might think we've been seeing each other way too much? And risking our lives for nothing? But I swear its worth it and I want to live every moment with him as long as I can have him. I opened the curtains and he was sitting there, bbming I guess..?

Okay let me describe how he looked. 9a7 shayfta blma6ar fel'6hr bs its like he is a whole another guy right now, bsmelah.. He was wearing thoub -me bobo I find hot when guys wear thoub- elmuhem he was wearing thoub a black and white adidas with his black rayban, typical saudi? NO. I don't see him typical ef:(

Haya-msta7ya-: h27immmm

Khalid-standing-: hala hala

Haya-lsa ma d5alat-: halla feeek

Khalid: adre enk gam6a om el3afya ka2nk awal mara tshofeni

Haya: 7ywaaaan!!!

Khalid: shsh fe nas tra

Haya: 5alid a5af walla

Khalid: 6ab walla bs come hug me w ro7i

Haya: bs? Mu tjls maskni?

Khalid-coming closer-: walla

Haya: tra mub zy dubai ajls el lel kella m3akk

Khalid-laughing, getting even closer-: fahmna

Haya: stop ana bajek!

We were kind of whispering, it was funny!=))

Khalid: yes ma'am

I came inside and hugged him so tight ka2ni mabshoofa ba3dha..

Khalid-while hugging-: you're cute

Haya: put. Me. Down.

Yes he lifted me of the ground.. I know its cute when he does it bs 5air... =))

Khalid-putting me down-

Haya: NO bs nazlni don't let go

Khalid: hahahahaha

Haya: 5ala9 back off

Khalid: 7bebti are u pms-ing?

Haya-hiding her face-: stop saying that!

Khalid-laughing-: leh fe a7d 3'airi galkk?

Haya-sad tone-: eee

Khalid-side hugging me-: 7beebii ana el7zeen

Haya: hehehe

Haya: gotta go wala bythba7ni 7amad 3ala asas 7mam

Khalid: inshallah next time no one will stop me from staying the whole day with you

I melt when he start talking in english, eff... Such a hottie. Be jealous ladies, be j e a l o u s.

Haya-coming closer-: NO ONE

Khalid: 3adi abosk wla bt9ar5en?

We were standing like this || chest by chest.. LOL too much details?

Haya-blushing-: umm.. Try and you'll see

Khalid-laughing-: akeed?

Haya-blushing even more-: mdri

-sorry this part is mshafar because I have young readers-

LOL amz7.

He kissed me? So what? JUDGE ME! I just don't understand how good of a kisser is he? We hugged like its our last and we kissed like its our last too. I can feel something I just don't know what.

Khalid: y5aleli elmst7i

Haya-giggling-: byeee

Khalid: take care

And I went inside again, I heard them laughing and screaming:) abd bait abohom!

Haya: wsh thal9raaaa5 mabzra? 7amad hatha w ent akbrhom

The 3-laughing-

Rima: mswya!!!

Basma: shfeek t2a5rti nbi n6la3

hamad-laughing-: m3lesh m3aha emsaaak tlgen


Mashalah ma ywgfon '67k... M9a5t.

Haya: 5ala9 5aln6la3

Rakbna elsyara w I was so messed up with emotions and thoughts and shits so I was super quiet the monkeys were laughing and singing hamad wla ka2na hamad eli n3rfa 9dg basma got the real him out ya7lelhom and rima .. Rima w naif 3alm thany atw83 kalamt naif 3 marat w 7na m3aha 3ala asas her friendSSSS.

Wa9lna basma bait'ha then we went back to mama fa6oms house I stayed for couple of minutes there and we headed home...

Om haya: ee wsh sweto m3 7amd?

Bida t78ee8 fbi...

Haya-while bbming-: zy daym

Om haya: shlon zy daym?

Haya: mama wsho 6la3na w bs

Om haya: akeed?

Haya-mnafsa-: leh bakthb 3alek mathlan?

Om haya: tkalmii m3ay b2adb! Mub rima ana t7akeni bhal6rega


I ignored every nose for the rest of the ride, the moment we reach the house I went directly to my room and slept, without even saying good night to anyone! Not even khalid. Nafsya kaifi.

Did I mention that we start school again after 1 day? Yeah that's why mnafsa.


I. Am. Hyper. I don't know the time difference between riyadh and london and I don't care daym ansa, I miss my baby so much! We've been talking less lately .. He have midterms so yeah wish him luck:D

Naif: laitk tdren gd esh mshtaglk.

Rima: yawel galbi

Naif: o3'ma 3alek?

Rima: almooooost

Naif: 5blaa!

Rima: naifffff I'm hyper

Naif: don't even start. I have to study wla ma arj3 elriyadh:)

Rima: la t7akeni ketha ela bs 1 hour mat6'r pleaseeeeeee!


Rima: bs one. And a half.

Naif: mjnona=))


I was wearing -kal3ada- white shorts and an extra large shirt that I secretly bought that says "my boyfriend is hot" I don't even know why they have it in large size. Elmuhem its one of my favorite matw83 naif gd shafha.

Naif: heeeey gorgeous!!

Rima: hehehehehe heeeey sexy

Naif-laughing hard-: amana wsh makla ? Sharba shay?

Rima: NOOOOO bs ketha I feel happy!

Naif: 7bebi ana daym inshallahh

Do you want me to describe what was he wearing? Yes? No. I won't. As I said young readers. Imagine it, bs don't go so far.. LOL!


Naif: bzrrrrr

Rima: wanna see maaa shirt?

Naif: show meeeee!

Rima-showing off her shirt: taaa daaaa

Naif-laughing-: rimaaaaaa do you wear that in public?

Rima: tstahbl of course noooot I secretly bought it -goofy smile-

Naif: wenti mat6fshen mn thy eli fog rask? A7s t3awr

Rimas famous bun.

Rima: wdk tshof sha3ri ? Bdon tha?

Naif: yes paaaaalease!

Rima: I dyed my hair-msta7ya-

Naif: NO WAY

Rima: yes way!!!!

Naif: why didn't you ask for permission you little freaaaak!

Rima: why would I :o!!!!!

Naif: becauseeeee

Rima: eee?

Naif: I'm your soon to be husband!

Rima: ef esta7et 3ala wajh:(

Rima: bs walla 7luuu!!

Naif: hello!! It look beautiful 3alek bs lsa mu jayb el lon

Rima: ana ma3rf esma asmeh zaity booony!

Naif: hahahaha you're cute walla


Rima-trj3 sh3rha wara ethnaha+t'hjd-: mta raj3 elriyadh?

Naif: I don't know yet still 3 exams to go ba3den mdri esh y9er

Rima-chocking with tears like always-: mhm

Naif: baby

Rima: cute I like it when you call me that

Naif: I know that

Naif: don't cry alah y3afek

Rima-hugging the pillow-: I just miss you so much wj3!

Naif: hahahaha bymroon bsr3a t7malti shahren mdri kam t7malti tgdren tt7mlen zyada

Rima: NO come back now

Naif: mn 3yoni awamer thanya?

Rima: abd salamtk:$

Naif: hahahhaha zain yala I have to go back to studying ed3eliii

Rima-sad tone-: okaay!

His phone rang before we ended the call. But he didn't pick it up..

Rima: pick it up already muz3ja elo3'nya

Naif-messing up his hair:la hatha wa7d mn el3yal ybeni a36eh notes m6awl yalla bye

I know naif so well, I know he is lying.

Rima: naif!

Naif: ha?

Rima: don't lie to me

Naif: I'm not

Rima: I can see

Naif: I'm serious

Rima: I'm serious too!

Naif: okay then 5ala9 maga3d akatheb

Rima: e7lf?

Naif: w bs? Ketha tshken feni lelabd?

Rima: eli 3ala rasa ba67a yt7asas 3aleha!!!

Naif: 5alaaa9!!! She's my partner in a project we have to work together

Rima: and she is calling because?

Naif-mtradid-: because ena tbena we start the project

Rima-confused-: now? Mu 3ndkom exams?

Naif: ella

Rima: ee?

Naif: we have to meet up in 30 minutes w ketha that's why she's calling

Rima: bs ent gayli enk btdrs?

Rima: s3odya?

Naif: kuwaitya

Rima: keep lying ma aw9ek

Call ended.

I. Hate. Him. Why would he lie? Ha? You guys tell me? Law mu mswi mu9eba kan gali wla kathb! Akrha akrha akrha!!

Screwed....... Walla I'm not lying!
Farah is my kuwaiti partner, she is nice, mtrabya, mu zy ba36' elbnat eli ttla9g, 7ta ast7i a76 3eni b3enha and she is way too polite! I gave her my number 3shan n3rf wen nshof ba36' bs rima w elshak!! Shswe feha 7ta law gaylha w m9ar7ha ena my partner is a girl btshk!!
-my fail kuwaiti accent is coming out right now-
Naif: halla fara7

Farah: ahlen, where do you want us to meet?

Naif: the cafe beside the uni

Farah: sure! Don't be late I have studying to do

Naif: haha don't worry

Farah: ma3 elsalama

Naif: bye

I got ready and took all the project stuff we need with me and went down, the uni was 2 blocks away and the weather was cool so I took a walk there thinking of what should I say or do to make rima believe me, NO I did not bbm her after ma sakart bwajhi faj2a..

I was holding to bags with one hand and my phone in the other
*direct messages

@FarahAlX: hey buddy! Shfeek mu msht'hi eljaya? Tara 3ady n5aleha bachr

@NaifAlX: shda3wa la, I'm on my way!

@FarahAlX: good.

I went there and met up with farah we did our project and I couldn't hold myself, f'6fa6't.

Naif: so gamt galt la tkathb 3aly w mdri esh!!!

Farah: can u please stop screaming elnas tsma3

Farah: call her now! And make sure she is ok 7aram 3alek elbnaya tn6rk akeed

Naif: la wain! He el3'al6ana

Farah: mu enta eli mchathb/mkathb 3aleha!!!

naif: manii mkalmha!

Farah: haaaaw!

Naif: eee walla..

Farah: weeeh garaaadt 7a6'ha mseeekena!

Naif: ella s3adat 7a6'ha

See? We are just friends!!!!!!! Atw83 t7b ba3d l2n her tweets fa'67eeenha!

Farah: seriously naif call her walla ksarat 5a6rii

Naif: yala yala

Calling rima..

naif: rima

Rima-sniff-: al7en 8arart tdg?

Naif: fara7 galtli adg

Rima: KELLL ZGGG!!!!!!

Naif-laughing-: walla walla walla asf toba ma agolk!!!

Naif-getting up-



Naif: walla walla she is just a friend a9ln t7b w gayltli aklmk l2nha "enksar 5ateerha 3alek"

Rima-trying not to laugh-: 9dagtkk..

Naif: a7bk yalba6a

Rima: ana akthr!!!!!

Rima: 5ala9t your project?

Naif: ee

Rima: yala ya baba 3ala betkk

Naif-laughing-: inshallah 3amti

Rima: hahahhaha yalla bbye I'm tired bnaam

Naif: sleep tight, 7almi fenii

Rima: dirty dream?

Naif: you knowww... Ketha

Rima-laughing-: wa95 !!!

Naif: a3jbkk

And el7amdellah we fixed it up! :D and I can feel that she slept happy...

I can't describe how broken I became when I knew about naifs relationship, I do have a crush on him, but I never showed it w 3ala asas 7abtli wa7d because of my tweets mu 3arf enha 3anh. Rima is such a lucky girl.
Allah ywafgh wen ma kan ma3 men makan:')

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