Saud: gl la elah ela allaah ya wld!
Faisal-sarcastically laughing-: ent eli glbla elah ela lah w ehjd!
Saud: ana wsh drani ena hathi 5wytk!!
Faisal: 3adl alfaa6'k! He wla mub he eli enti swaita 3'ala6 w matw83 btr6'ah 3ala e5tk wla 3'airha!!
Saud: wsh 7rkat ma tr6'aaha 3ala e5tk-laughing- haltr6'aha 3ala e5tk hal tr6'aha 3ala omk
Faisal: 7sbi allah 3alek
Saud: ya rjal glna 7na asfen! W ma kant mag9oda!! W kant maz7a bs ent w 5wytk aflmto w b3den z3lan lesh? Enha 7akt a7d 3'airkk? Shf nafsk!!! Nseeena lulu ? -laughing- 5ofk 3ala 7bebat alglb mb m3'a6i kthbtk!
Faisal: m3 elslama
Saud: m3 elslama
Okay yolo saud eli mswii ena el7ayat btmshi 3ala hwaaah!
Ymkn m7d mstaw3b kubr lmushkela ela ana. 7ta nouf nafsaha mub mstaw3ba!
And lulu.. She's just a friend! He's making up scenes!
I slept that day feeling irritated with the image in my head.
Next morning i woke up i decided to act normal, because after thinking for few minutes.. It's not her fault she did not ask for it, why punish her!
Faisal: hey you
Nouf: hey
Faisal: slept well?
Nouf: emhm
Faisal: mta ybda tgdem ljam3a?
Nouf: ltagdem lmubkr ybda b3d kam yom w b3dha b 2 weeks atw83 eltagdem el3adi w ektshft eni bsafr 3ala eltagdem el3adi fa bagdm al7en
Faisal: 6yb kwais la tnsen
Nouf: la shlon bnsa
Faisal: wen btsfron a5r 5bri enkom bs btro7on elshargya fe ram6'an
Nouf: Greece for 2 weeks bs
Faisal: mashallah have fun 3ani w 3ank
Nouf: loool i will:p
Faisal: el7lwa z3lana
Nouf: la abd
Faisal: ga3d a3'ni
Nouf: the stage is all yours=))
Faisal: men yra6'eha
Faisal: m7d byra6'eha
Nouf: :o=))
Faisal: whats the plans for today??
Nouf: nothing bag3d felbait
Faisal: kwais then let's skype
Nouf: okay then
Faisal: okay then
Nouf: <3
7bebtk gabl lnas klaha.
It was weird, that he talked to me normally tw83t yflm, he overreacted last at least that's what i thought..
I really didn't have plans that day bs knt nawya aklm shahad nswe shay, bs a skype video call with faisal is what i needed the most.
Since i have nothing to do until 7PM i've decided to watch as much movies as i can, that's what summer is all about right? N5tmm movies eldnya!
-few hours later-
Faisal-munching on his cheese toast-: sha3rk a7la kethaa
Nouf: asht'hi a9b3'a ya5i 6fsht mn shakli
Faisal: ya5i ya5i
Nouf-laughing-: t5yl lma asmr ba3d Greece with my new hair color ufffff!!
Faisal-wink-: sexyyyy!
Faisal: dgega bro7 el7mam
Nouf: ok
After 10 minutes...
Faisal-jumps on the bed-: sorry t25rt dg wa7d mn el3yal
Nouf: la 3adii
Faisal: wsh ga3da tgren
Nouf: one of the books eli 8rart agrhom fel9aif
Faisal: 3an esh
Nouf: salfta 6weel ena bnt 6fsht mn 7yat'ha w ra7t t3esh 3nd her best friends w tsht3'l m3aha ba3den mdri wsh 9ar w 6l3t mn elbait bs lma al7en w9lt enha harbt b only a purse w mdri kam shay to live a new life w she meets the guy w ba3dha ent jet w 5rbt 3lay=))
Faisal: sounds good -laughing- 3ala ena kl shar7k ketha w ketha bs mu mushkela
Nouf: mama btsafr bukra lelshargya
Faisal: w enti btro7en m3aha?
Nouf: ma asht'hi
Faisal: wsh yg3dk hena
Nouf: i need some alone time a7s
Faisal: ya alone time
Nouf: walla
Faisal: eli yray7kk
Nouf: w ent mu nawy tje alriyadh gabl ram6'an?
Faisal: la
Nouf: eli yray7k -imitating faisal's voice-
After that we stayed quiet, he was watching TV and i was reading, w kan eelwa'63 jidan 6be3y.. I loved how we didn't care if we talked or not, like i said before our silence said a lot.
Nouf-scaring faisal-: FAISAL
faisal: 7asbi allaaaah!!-laughing-
Nouf: truth or dare?
Faisal: dare
Nouf: gm erg9
Faisal: agol ehjdi elrjaaajel mayrg9on
Nouf: nseena video l concert-laughing-
Faisal: st3'fralah! Ana?
Nouf: gm bs
Faisal: 5al9 truth
Nouf: mat3'ayr b3dha tra
Faisal: okay
Nouf: bdon z3l
Faisal: shayfa esmi nouf?
Nouf-giving him the look-
Faisal: ok ok-laughing-
Nouf: whaaaat
Faisal: eee?
Nouf: is your favorite chinese food?-dorky smile-
Faisal-laughing so hard-: la jd wsho elso2al?
Nouf: dgega brd
Shahad: shrayk tjeni?
Nouf: alsa3a 10:30
Shahad: 9aif yarab
Nouf: i'm skyping lma a5l9 bshof
Shahad: faisal?
Nouf: ee
Shahad: 76eni speaker
Nouf: la
Faisal: 76eha 76eha-laughing-
Nouf: yashenkom
Shahad: hii faisal eldalo3
Faisal: hi shahad lnshbaaa
Shahad: esm3 wsh 9ar 3ala el surprise?
Nouf-shocked face-: wsho surprise enti wyah?
Faisal: tsta3b6 3alekkk esfheha lmut5alefa-laughing-
Shahad: faisal!! Ya fagsh agrb shay eni aswe capture 3ala massages path-laughing-
Nouf: faisal?!
Shahad: nmz7 nmz7 elzbda faisal
Faisal: hala-laughing-
Nouf: a54ti wjh 5ala9 n9 sa3a w bajek
Faisal: la? Wsh 6l3t el lail thy
Shahad: ya wld ya 7ref
Faisal and nouf-laughing-
Nouf: shway w aklmkk
Shahad: okay bye
Faisal: ro7h bala rada
Shahad: yje mnk akthr abo 3abdl3ziz
The moment i ended the call with shahad, his phone rang. Timing.
Faisal: ewa kamli
Nouf: rd?
Faisal: la galg
Nouf: eee ur turn es2l
Faisal: wsh btsween law
Nouf: ummm
Faisal: law gltlk eni mnb raj3 als3odya abd?
Nouf: hjra y3ni?
Faisal: ee
Nouf: it's your life, w shy raj3lk 6b3an ba7zn 3ala 8rark eli by2thr 3alek w 3ala 3a2iltk w 3lay bs 6b3an magdr aswe shay blnhaya
Faisal: 6yb tjen tzoreni?
Nouf: elso2al ho leh t'hajr a9lan?
Faisal: personal reasons
Nouf: personal reasons.. Okayy-laughing- so mfkr ma trj3?
Faisal: ma agwa fragk walah
Nouf: la mashallah loyal
Faisal-laughing-: leh m39ba
Nouf: personal reasons-smiling-
His phone rang again.
Nouf: pick it up ya5i
Faisal: bymsk 5a6
Nouf: 6yb 3adi golh enk msh3'ol 3shan maydg again
Faisal: ma3lekk enti mu btro7en lshahad?
Nouf: uh ela
Faisal: ee yala gomi ejhzi
Nouf: okayy-laughing-
Faisal: aklmk bokra
Nouf: bye
Faisal: a7bk
Nouf: ana ba3d
He did not act weird, i'm the one who's overreacting now.
Faisal: hala
Lulu: shd3wa
Faisal: wsho
Lulu: you forgot the event didn't you?
Faisal: shit! Nset
Lulu: badrii 3alek faisal you're being irresponsible! W ana eli aklt'ha!!
Faisal: asf walla asf al7en balbs w baji
Lulu: 5ala9 it's too late for your to come you won't make it
Faisal: no no i'll be there
Lulu: faisal, ana batklm 3ani w 3ank and i'll mention your name don't worry
Faisal: lulu i'm coming just end the call 3shan ma at25r
Lulu: see you there then..
Lulu, a girl i met in class.
She's strong, she reminded me of nouf bawal sana 3raft'ha, stiff, strong, serious but with days she loosened up and changed with me at least aw ymkn t3awdt
Lulu is impossible to reach, too mysterious for a person to get into her. I liked that about her.
Ka2nna fe 5a6 a7mr benha w ben elnas, "a7ki m3ak w asolf w a'67k w klshay bs beni w benk 5a6 ma tt3adah" her personality says this hahaha bs seriously that's how she is.
Our college holds up an event every year to talk about anything that changed our lives w it has to be combined y3ni ana ma a7ki l7ali w lulu l7alha la y3ni one slide lazm it holds up two stories combined w tkawn story w7da matw83 fahamto elzbda you don't care, they chose 10 groups and each group holds up two students a girl and a boy, luckily the professor chose me and lulu to team up.. I wasn't so happy about it, lulu wasn't happy about either but we couldn't say a thing, we started working on our slides for the past 2 weeks it took us time to bring up wise words, pictures and what took us so long is that we couldn't get a long very well but i've always had a weird feeling with her, don't get me wrong, but i'm a human and you should accept that we don't ever settle with feelings but that doesn't mean that i no longer have feelings to nouf, bl3aks it made me realize how special she is.
I went to the uni in a speed, shway w y36oni mu5alfa 3ala halsor3a but i didn't want to disappoint lulu.
I parked the car and ran to where the event was, it was chilly that night i don't even know how it's summer! How can it be cold.
I opened the door and lulu's face lightened up when she saw me, she smiled and waved so i can see her 3ala asas mu shayfha abd... I walked to her..
Faisal: gltlk baji
Lulu-in a sincere tone-: thank you
Faisal: no problem-smiling to himself-
I forgot to mention that this project yrf3 our grades so i needed it more than anyone LOL..
Lulu: great job up there mister
Faisal-laughing-: all thanks to you
Faisal: ana lazm aro7 -pointing at the door-
Lulu: ee okay
Faisal: ashofk bljam3a
Lulu: see you then
Faisal: see you then
I went back home and called nouf 3ala 6ool, because i felt guilty 3ala eni mu mswy shay y3ni shay lljam3a
Nouf-laughing-: alo
Faisal: wenk
Nouf: 3nd shahad haw -laughing-
Faisal: eee 9a7 nset
Nouf: fek shay?
Faisal: la bs ketha
Nouf: you're weird faisal alx
Faisal: i know-laughing-
Nouf: sm3t 9oot el messages -badass tone-
Faisal: akeed mish3l
Nouf: eeh mish3l-laughing- ro7 shof
Faisal: ygalk gaf6a-laughing-
Nouf: agf6kk
Faisal-laughing-: aklmk b3den
Nouf: bye
Shahad: wsh ygol?
Nouf: mdri wsh salft'h
Shahad: yt6mn enk mar7ti ls3od
Nouf: la tjeben 6areh yjebli el3'thyan
Shahad: 7aketo b3d thek lconv?
Nouf: la
Shahad: weird faisal
Nouf: my weirdo
"Thank you very much for you fast speed:p i wouldn't have done it better without you. I appreciate it."
Faisal: sure thing, i needed the grades anyways! Thanks to you and your effort.
Lulu: at your service, faisal alx.
Faisal: what's your twitter?
I wanted to see her tweets, what!?
She replied after 10 minutes.
Lulu: @luluAK
Nothing interesting..
Mentions mentions..
" مالقى شبيهك بين ذولا وذولاك .. معدوم وصفك سبحان من سواك .."
Yawld! Wallah tw83t'ha 3demat msha3r..
Estano majakooom shay!
"I feel bad for feeling this way."
"Unhealthy, so unhealthy. Get out of my mind."
"Because i want you badly i treat you without love. It's complicated. I'm complicated."
I know, i'm shocked.
I thought she was cold outside and inside i can't describe how serious she's always been y3ni eli i've never even thought that she might have feelings for anyone in this world! I was wrong.
Faisal: i followed you:p
Lulu: hahaa i know
Faisal: good tweets:p showed the real you
Lulu: i only showed what i want people to see ;p
Faisal: oh really?
Lulu: Yes, no one will ever figure what i'm all about.
Faisal: what are you lulu alx?
Lulu: a human being, last time i checked
Faisal: we have something in common! :p
Lulu: that's great hahaha
Faisal: so what's up with your tweets?
Lulu: what's up with yours?
Faisal: i asked first :p
Lulu: nothing much
Faisal: yeah
Lulu: yeah just thoughts
Faisal: aha
Lulu: yours?:p
Faisal: they're obvious;p
Lulu: nah
Faisal: lool
Lulu: so what's her name?
Faisal: who?
Lulu: the one who tutors math good..
Faisal: aah ah, Samantha daimen
Lulu: loool okay thanks
Nouf: hey baby
Faisal: hey love<3
Nouf: what was wrong?
faisal: dag astahbl
Nouf: yabthrkk faisal=))
Faisal: mashallah shahad mara she got better
Nouf: yeah a lot better al7amdellah rabi mn3m 3ala 3baadh bn3mat elnsyan l3r6' mu3ayn.
Faisal: w ln3ma b allah<3
Nouf: badk shee albi?
Faisal: salamt ro7kk
Nouf: t9b7 3ala 5air<3
Faisal: lesh badri
Nouf: shswi 6fsh:(
Faisal: eg3di shway
Nouf: ya 3'alii elathmaan 3'loook bl7aail
Faisal: ya rwagaan
Nouf: 9ott'h yjeb rasi
Faisal: wallah law enh ana -_-
Faisal: kaiff;)=))?
Nouf: gltlk 7lwa la tshof nafsk:p
A message on path..
Saud alx: i am sorry 3ala alayam eli fatat.
I captured it and sent it to faisal..
Faisal: la yje mnh
Nouf: ma5th mnk:p
Faisal: did he hurt you?
Faisal: that day
Nouf: no faisal gltlk he only put his arms 3ala katfi w i pushed him
Faisal: promise me that if anything big like this happens tgoleli?
Faisal: 7ta law ena 9ayr shay bena i want to know
Nouf: lesh eltasha2om:p mara7 y9er shay
Faisal: just in case enti w lsank
Nouf: i love you
Faisal: i love you more baby boo
Nouf: t9b7 3ala 5air
Faisal: tlagen l5air ya wjh el5air
Nouf: 7bebi<3
Faisal: <3
I woke up the next day to the cutest message ever.
Faisal: مـآ قلتلك ؟. أنكّ عُمـر ،
و العمـر مَــرة بِآلعمـر !
Nouf: w ma gltlk enk a7la mafe hal3mr?
Nouf: 9ba7 al5air ya galb nouf ent<3
And the day went on just like any other day except that my mother and brother weren't in the house and dad was out of the country for some business(LIKE ALWAYS.) , but shahad and manory did a great job 9ra7a :D i wanted a time alone bs nooo way with shahad and her sister.
Greaatt chaapter!!
ReplyDeletePlease kamliiii omg I'm in love with your story bobo��❤️
ReplyDeleteGreet job keep up the good work (y)<333
ReplyDeleteI LOVE YOUR STORY, BEST BLOGGER EVERR! lat6wlen 3lena<3