Nouf: long wavy/straight light brown hair, 159Cm not so short, on the skinny side and she's known with her eyelashes mashalah, and not so white but not tanned mdri wsh ysmona lon jladaha.(FROM SHAHAD's POV)
Shahad: long dark brown curly hair, normal height, fit mashallaah and her lips are pinky rose mashallah sooo you guessed right she's whitey white, eli t6fsh w he tswe tan.
Raghad: petit, she's on diet 3ala ena jsmha mara zaina, her hair is straight short/boy hair, and she's so tanned eli magd shfna lonha el3adi mashallah! Bs she's soo girly y3ni sh3rha has nothing to do with her attitude.
Reem: she has curly hair too, but shahad's much prettier(la tdri) 6oolha eli 6ool elrazaa 3rftoooh? LOL, mu samra mara bs mub bai6'a 3adi 7n6awya, her nose is sharp mashallah!
Faisal: 5aleji. Eli law tmshon tshofna tgolon s3odi without hesitation.
Dirty, sharp nose, his lashes kills me. 7wajba kaman mashallah, sha3ra mu boonyy wla ho aswd mdri bs mara a7b lon sha3ra!!
Next chapter please :(