I haven't updated my path yet so i can't delete the msgs w reem el7annah gd a54t jawali w 7akt faisal b esmii bs blnhaya galt enha mu ana bs esta3'rbt!! Ya3ni faisal mafro6
Gara w estaw3b:)! W leh faisal yshof elmsgs? Umm.. 3shan ana mara 5wafa w mn kthr ma as2l he gave me the password lkl his accounts, w he only asked for my path password bkaifa ana ma 36aita ela w ana wath8a ena ma3ndi shay bs nset tmamn 3n el msg!
Nouf: magrait elmsg?
Faisal: aghr nafsi=))?
Nouf: esh eli tghar nafskk baba 7bebi reem eli kant mklmta btgra blnhaya galt "tra this is not my account"
Faisal: w leh t7akeh mn account'k?
Nouf: ma3ndha path
Faisal: wagft 3ala accountk
Nouf: faisal 5ala9 tra 8smbilah ma yswa
Faisal: w 9ortk?
Nouf: gayltlk b76ha.
Faisal: w goleli esh eli yswa?
Nouf: lma y9er bgolk:D!
Faisal: wsh fek mama tra ga3den ntna8sh
Nouf: 9a7
Faisal: 5ala9ti drasa
Nouf: 5la9t w bnam now
Faisal: mta el t79eli?
Nouf: lsa m6wlen faisal la tswe mhtm
Faisal: btjen 3ndi 9a7?
Nouf: 7lm ebles bljanah:p
Faisal: afaa
Nouf: afa
Faisal: alah yhdek w tjen
Nouf: no buddy mara7 aje la t2ml
Faisal: wen ajal?
Nouf: psu inshalah
Faisal: ummmm ok
Nouf: ummmm
Faisal: tra ana mabgeli ela shway w at5rj
Nouf: 6yb=))?
Faisal: bs agol
Faisal: y3ni hathi elsana w elsana eljaya w term w bs
Nouf: alah ywafgkk
Faisal: Nouf
Nouf: Mmmm
Faisal: mu g9di
Nouf: adri mu g9dk tshk bs you get jealous easily
Faisal: walla.
Nouf: adri ya ba3d eldnya
Faisal: oboy elfahm<3
Nouf: <3
Get ready for the cutest names:) eli mara 3adi yswe akbr mu9eba ygoli"obooy enti" i go awwww w ar6'a da5lyan.
Faisal: btnamen baby?
Nouf: no
Faisal: anwmk;)?
Nouf: wooow=))
Faisal: lesh enti mu romancya
Nouf: mu 3ajbtk shakli:(
Faisal: enti!? Mu 3ajbtni!???? Gwya shway
Nouf: adri ma ga3dt m3ay snten hba2n mnthora:D
Faisal: ya alah tfaj2eni klyooom enti=))<3!!
Nouf: t5yl esh 3ndi bukra
Faisal: esh??
Nouf: zawaj:)
Faisal: wsh zawajat n9 elesbo3 thi
Nouf: ma asht'hi abddd
Faisal: men w men?
Nouf: shahad mub faisal 3ala thal ehtmamt:)
Nouf: walaaaah=))!!
Faisal: ymknnii gay
Nouf: 3laa thal mlabs bdait ashkk
Faisal: belaah kaif my new sweats???
Nouf: men e5tarh?
Faisal: ana
Nouf: yasheeeenii ma3jbni
Faisal: wraak 3leh mara 3ajbni tra=))
Nouf: 6yb shswe fek
Faisal: esh rayk we video call now dam 3ndi wagt?
Nouf: ma2sat shakli
Faisal: okay, gd shftkk t9e7en w gd shftk w enti nayma w gd shftk b mlabs elnom wsh bykon asw2 mn tholi?=))
Nouf: aaaaay!:'(
faisal: baby
Nouf: :(
Faisal: rdi okay?
Nouf: la:(
Faisal: 3shani
Nouf: ok:(
3adlt sha3rii shway w ft7t elnor w bs ga3dt astnah..
Faisal wants to video call you>
Nouf: galbi eli wa7shni!!
Faisal: ahln w sahln
Nouf: wenk-laughing-
Faisal: blsyaraa
Nouf: w m3ak a7d?
Faisal: la el3yal nzlo el supermarket ytg6'on ybelhom n9 sa3a
Nouf: okaay
Faisal: aywa w kaifkk?
Nouf: kwaisaa enta kaifk?
Faisal: walla 9rt a7sn yom shftk
Nouf: a7md a5oy zg
Faisal: afaa wsh mswe ? -laughing-
Nouf: bs ketha karhta
Faisal: wa'67 enk esta7eti w ma 3rafti trden
Nouf: ga ha ha
Faisal: bs el9ra7a wala a5af yje yom w a9er makana
Nouf: la matw83 byje yom w akrhk-laughing-
Faisal: t7beni a9lan?-sad face-
Nouf: men gal?
Faisal: shfti..
Nouf: amz7 ya albiii
Faisal: 6yb abek tswenli shay
Nouf: 3yonii
Faisal: galbii wallah
Nouf: goli
Faisal: esm3i rslt shay ana mn esbo3ain w elmfro6' ena w9l
Nouf: 6yb?
Faisal: abek tklmen fedex els3odya w ts2lenhom etha w9l w ba36ek el tracking number b whatsapp ok?
Nouf: 5ala9 inshallah bs esh rasl? -laughing-
Faisal: inshalah enti eli btstlmenaa
Nouf: aywaa!-laughing-
Faisal: mu you're turning 18 ba3d kam yom?
Nouf: umm yes-blusing-
Faisal: 5ala9 ajal
Nouf: makan lh da3ii
Faisal: mu gdrk yab3dii
Nouf: shokran walah -stucking a standard of her hair behind her ears-
Faisal: mara a7b sha3rk tdren-lauging-
Nouf: faaaj2aaa ya faisal
Faisal: y3ni 9dg kl mara bgolk w ansa
Nouf: shokran 7bebi ent
Faisal: lonaa 3'reb bs mara 7lu
Nouf: agolk esma 3shan t9b3'?
One thing you should know about faisal, ena he would do anything just to make the girl/women in front of him entertained y3ni y7ki b mwa'6ee3 t'hmni w law 7ta eni darya ena a5r ehtmamta bs ahm shay n7ki bshay..
Faisal: eee esh esmaa??
Nouf: amz7 walla ma a3rf r7t m3 raghad w he eli galt -wide smile-
Faisal: w ent mslmaa nafsk l9degatkk
Nouf: t8reban
Faisal: yaletni wa7da mnhom
Nouf: m3ztk bgalbi 3'air-wink-
Faisal: aywaaaa!-laughing-
Nouf: shayf kaif-laughing-
Faisal: ela kaif om shahad Inshalah mt7sna 7alt'ha?
Nouf: wala ma adri ya faisal abd ma ns2l bs lma shahad tkon nafsyt'ha shaina fa n3rf ena omha t3bt w el3aks
Faisal: ya allah mskena wallah allah yshfeha
Nouf: efff ameen!!
Shahad's mom was diagnosed with lekuima 2 years ago, bl6'ab6 ba3d ma 3raft faisal b 2 months.
Faisal: 6yb galbi el3yal ashofhom jayen aklmk b3den okay?
Nouf: okay 7bebi take care
Faisal: you too
Nouf: w law sma7t la tt25r 3ala 9latk
Faisal: abshrii mn 3yoni
Nouf: yalla bye
Faisal: dgega
Nouf: hala??
Faisal: a7bkk
Nouf: w ana ba3d -blushing-
Faisal: wnnti ba3d esh?
Nouf: faisal!
Faisal: snten yal6'alma
Nouf: ana ba3d amot fek!!-in a sincere tone-
Faisal: alah la y5leni bs bbyee
Call ended.
Y5awf kaif ybda elyom bhosha w ynt'hi b a7bk, everything's possible with faisal.
[Whatsapp group]
Nouf: 5alona njeb akl bukra-10:22PM-
6b3an daaaym masfooha.
Shahad: bnat mama mara t3bt-10:40-
Y5awfnii faisal, y5awfni. Kl mara ys2l 3n om shahad ya tt3b ya t5f. Eff:')
Raghad: 7bebti enti wenkom?
Reem: shahad mama hadi mu awal mara
Nouf: shahad r7to elmustshfa?
Shahad: la reem awal mara ketha
Shahad: ee blmustshfa mn el6'hr
[raghad and i's conv]
Raghad: amana ro7elha mangdr la ana wla reem!
Nouf: eee ee bro7 agol lmama now
Raghad: w etha mara e7tajtona dgo
Nouf: 6yb glbi
Yarab 5air.
Nouf: 6yb shahad ana bajek
It's not the first time, we know every detail of this situation. We can handle it.
Shahad: please jebeli jacket mara bard
Nouf: abshrii
It was almost 11PM by the time i changed my clothes took my 3baya and headed to my mother's room.
Nouf: mama om shahad t3bt
My mom and shahad's mom are best friends more like sisters so my mom always gave me the green light when it comes to her.
Om nouf: wsh feh bsmelah!!?-starts tearing-
Nouf: ma3rf mama bs shahad blmusstshfa m3aha
Om nouf: 6yb w manorii wainha??
Manori is shahad's younger sister.
Nouf: mdri dgega bdg 3la shahad
Om nouf: golelha etha manori blbait l7alha tje 3ndna w tro7 m3 a7md bokra elmdrsa mub mushkela
I told you we're used to this, allah yshfeha yarab!
Shahad: alo
Her voice was gone mn el9ya7.
Nouf: 7bebi ana calm down shway w baji bs manori wain?
Shahad: felbait 5alo 5alid ja el'6hr w es3af w z7ma w ma shftaha ba3dha w 93ba nwdeha 3nd jadti ra7lha 5alid blma3'rb w rj3
5alid is shahad's 24 old uncle. The youngest and the closest to the family w blnahaya ho a5o om shahad elwa7ed y3ni..
Nouf: 5ala9 esm3ii bro7 ajebha w bawdeha elbait m3 elnanny
Shahad: la la abd ma y7taj
Nouf: mama mu9era
Shahad: okay bkaifk bs la tt25ren please
Nouf: 15 mins mu akthr
A54t manori w her nanny w ashya2hom w wadet'hom elbait, i took the jacket and that's when my mom came out from the guest room crying..
Nouf: mama inshalah enha laila lesh eltsha2om?!
Om nouf: ro7i la t6awlen 3ala elbnt w ana baji el9ba7
Mama couldn't come with me l2n baba byrj3 mn elsafr in 2 hours..
On my way to the hospital i whatsapped faisal..
Nouf: faisal:'( shahad's mom is dead sick i can feel it
Faisal: 7bebi calm down!
Nouf: eff my hopes are sooo not high this time
Faisal: ed3elha bs la ttsha2men w namii 7bebti ray7i rask!
Nouf: i'm on my way to the hospital!
Faisal: alah ygawek<3 bs calm down okay baba?
Nouf: inshallah:')
Faisal: call me etha b3'aiti shay
Nouf: ok
Faisal: <3
Shahad: room 456 floor 4
Nouf: ok
When we arrived to the hospital the first thing i noticed was the smell, it always made me nauseous and it gave me shivers and how the hospital was cold and quiet at night always depressed the shit out of me.
I quickly ran to the isle where there room was i saw shahad sitting on one of the chairs outside and as dramatic and movie-like this sound, it actually happened. She almost ran to me when she saw me, hugged me really tight and cried with no hope.
Nouf: 5ala9 galbi entii 5ala9...
Shahad-breathing heavily-: t3bt
Nouf: eg3di
We sat down and she explained everything, her mom had leukemia and everyone knows how leukemia spreads so fast in the body l2nna bldm, it reached her brain which made it even worse for her. So her chance of survival is 2 to 6 months, bs 6b3an el a3mar byad allaah w ldu3a2 y3'ayr ashya2 kther<3
After half an hour of crying and talking with no sense words she calmed down..
Shahad-crying voice-: manori fe baitkom?
Nouf: ee namt he w elnanny w yom dara a7mdoh nam m3hom abshrk la tshelen ham
Shahad-laughing quietly-: mabzra
Nouf: galbi walla-side hugging shahad-
Shahad: a7s bn6'e3 bdonha nouf
Nouf: lesh ya mama lesh? Allah y6awl b3umrha inshallah w tshoofenha a7sn mn awal
Shahad: let's talk serious nouf la nfgsh law twaft esh bnswe!
8smbilah el3abra 5angtni bs adri law 97t he bt9e7.
Nouf: fe 5alo 5alid w fe mama 79aah w fe 3amk majd w 3amk bandr and you know gd esh klhom m3kom w y7bonkum
Shahad: bs tfrg 3rafti lma omk aw abok ykonon mawjoden 3'air!
Shahad: bs wala aboy ma dra 3na
Nouf: bs la tnkren wjoda shahad w la tnsen af3la i know mn klshay ysweh ena y7bkom mu 3shan ho w omk mt6lgen y3ni anha wjodkum 9a7 wla la galbi? Hatha w enti elfahma baina ashof el ayaa engalbt
Shahad: bs he's not helping with this, okay ent sh3'lk b jeddah t3al shof bnatk esh m7tajen!
Nouf: jarbti tklmena?
Shahad: no..
Nouf: kalmeh 6yb!
Shahad: ma abi
Nouf: jawalk ydg
Shahad-checking the callers ID and then panicking-: bro7 aklm w arj3
Nouf: dgega men?
Shahad: dgega w arj3lk walla
OK.. My best friend is hiding something from me.
I called reem l2n i found 6 missed calls..
Reem: badri!!! Wenha?
Nouf: mdri ra7t tklm w mu r6'ya tgoli men!!
Reem: 6yb a39ab lma trj3 abi aklmha w btjen bokra wla?
Nouf: ela shakli mama btje w ana bro7 elmdrsa
Reem: 5ala9 zain w klna el6'hr nji
Nouf: eee
Reem: 5alid ja?
Nouf: tgol ena 6ool elyom m3ahom w tawa ra7 lma jet
Reem: yala ana bnam w etha e'66raity tg3den m3aha goleli el9ba7
Nouf: okay a7bk t9b7en 3ala 5air w goli lra3'd ma tnsa ktabha elfezya blsyara
Reem-laughing-: okay w e7na n7bkk bye
Shahad came back with a brighter face, w'67t elsalfa wla?
Nouf: men?
Shahad-sigh-: 97btii
Nouf: 9a7btk esmha mshari?
Shahad-wide eyes-: 3ala ela8al jebi esm a7la!
Nouf: men bsr3a!!
-the nurse coming out of shahad's mother room-
Shahad: how's she doing?
Nurse: her condition is settled for good, we'll see tomorrow morning with the doctor.
Shahad: thank you very much
Nurse-smiling-: no problem
Shahad: bad5l 3ndha btjen?
Nouf: la b5lek shway w mta ma 5l9ti t3aleli bara
Shahad: okay -sigh-
I saw relief in her face when the nurse announced that she was settled, el7amdellah yaraab!
I called faisal because i felt like i needed to hear his voice again.
He answered in no minute!
Faisal: ro7ii
Nouf: her condition is settled
Faisal: al7mdelah!! And how is shahad?
Nouf: relieved i guess
Faisal: kwais
Nouf: yeah
Faisal: esh fekki ya baba?
Nouf: i miss you
Faisal: ba3d eldnya klha
Nouf: 9dg
Faisal: w lesh faj2a esh fek e7keli?
Nouf: ma a3rf mara mshtgtlk
Faisal: 7bebti enti el9aif bajekoom
We are in the second term w faisal ra7 3ala n9 elterm elawal.. Fa le fatra ma shftaa gabl ashofa mn b3ed w ykafeni!
Nouf: bnsafr w ent tje w sra el lail w 7na ma sraina..
Faisal: bs ana lsa feni shay ygol halklam ma ja 3bth
Nouf: walla bs 5ft afgdk fe yom w ma algak glt agolk..
Faisal: bsmellaah la inshallah
Nouf: gol amen
Faisal: amen
Nouf: allah la ythawgni 7znk.
Faisal: w ts2leni leh a7bk?
Nouf: 6yb galbi ana lazm askr l2n shahad 6al3t..
Faisal: okay entabhi lnafsk
Nouf: inshallah
Faisal: estawd3tk allah my everything
Nouf: a7bk-almost whispering-
Faisal: w a7yaaa fekk
Nouf-laughing-: mu wagtk yalla bye
Faisal: bye w ana ba3d a7bkk
Call ended.
Shahad: tklmen fa9ooli?
Nouf: speaking of which, men knti tklmen taw?
Shahad: walid
Nouf: what the!
Shahad: i know i know bt4b7eni..
Nouf: lesh tawni adri -disappointed-
Shahad: because 7sait eni el3agla bainkom w ana eli an97 w aro7 aswe elshay
Nouf: majnona enti!!!-quiet tone
Shahad: i've known him enough to know he's good
Nouf: shahad mama you know we support everything bs leh ma gltelna it's not like bn9er 6'dk!
Shahad: ma a3rf!! Bs 7sait ma wdi ela lma at2kd.
Nouf: kam lkom?
Shahad: 2 months
Nouf: okay..
Nouf: putting all of this aside, esh tben taklen?
Shahad: law sma7ti la tz3len!!!
Nouf-laughing-: ma z3lt bs mghora l2ni ana law zgait 3lamtk
Shahad: la tnghren 6yb i promise b7kelkom klshay
Nouf: raghad w reem bythb7onk
Shahad: adri
Nouf: elzbda tben coffee?
Shahad: NOUF!! Law sma7ti
Nouf: 5ala9 wala mu z3lana i'm happy walla!
Shahad: efff 6yb 7saait bt2neb 6'amer
Nouf: awal mara ashofk mnhbla ketha -laughing-
Shahad: keli zg bs-blushing-
Nouf: emshi m3ay y5awf l7ali
Yghar ena my best friend kept a secret from me for 2 months, bs 6b3an i'm happy for her! Bs i have to explore this new kid and see if he really deserves her wla la...
You. Are. The. Best. ❤️
ReplyDeleteAmaazziinngg ! Ya5y your blog shay jameel w enti shay ajmal!!!!
ReplyDeleteliterally the best<33
ReplyDeleteJmeeell elchapppteerr,ll2bd a7b 6reegt ktabtk b elchapters .. amana la t6wleen 3leena w keep going n7bkk !!
ReplyDeletep e r f e c t .