Nouf: faisal
Faisal: 3yonh
Nouf: a7bk
Faisal: amot fek
Nouf: <3
I wore my uniform w 5ala9t klshay w 6l3t w ana blsyara dagt shahad..
Shahad-crying so hard-: n-nouf
Nouf: smi hala wsh fek?
Shahad: mama
I was denying it inside so i told her to sit still and we had to change directions from school to the hospital, mama came with me this time and she was denying it too.
We went inside and shahad's face was as red as a tomato from crying w 5alha 5alid kan maskha eli law tarkha elbnt bt6e7 she wasn't holding on too tight, mama couldn't help herself and she sat down l2n klna 3arfen shahad gwya eli 93b 93b t9e7 mn 3umrna w e7na n3rf halshay bs mn t3bt omha she cried every night bs this time it was so bad.
El3'areb ena 7alat omha esta8rt, y3ni kant yom w bt6l3 that's what made it even harder on her.. Manori was on my mind, etha shahad kbera tgdr tddbr nafs'ha bs manori kam 3umrha 10? Walla lsa matfrg bain el9a7 w el3'ala6 shlon tdbr nafs'ha 6b fr6'na ena this walid guy w ja tgdm lshahad mn tt5rj, manori tro7 jeddah mathlan? Her dad ma mskha 6ool thalsnen w ymskha al7en?
Too many thoughts were roaming in my head and then i felt shahad hugging me so tight without any sound, it broke my heart.
Khalid was so strong, this family was strong mn el om lbnat'ha la5oha lomha but i literally just saw him breaking down.
Mama took shahad home and khalid drove in his car after dealing with stuff in the hospital, death papers.
Shahad didn't talk much in the past 2 days w el9alat kant asw2 part she was dying tbe t9e7 bs mdri shlon w9lha 5abr ena lma tbken elmayt yt3thb and she bottled it all up w kther nas mst3'rba shlooon! W el3aza been like that, the girls and i nro7 elmdrsa nrj3 3ala bait jadt'ha where the 3aza was and we would just stay quiet for hours with her gabl mayjon elnas w she would break down every once in a while, when manori knew she got really sick and she stopped eating that's why she ended up in the hospital w mu3'athi w 7osa for 2 days.. I've always tried to put a smile on my face just to give shahad hope that everythings gonna be alright but it never worked.. Raghad and reem were very emotional about it l2n we've known shahad's mother for so long and it's like losing a part of your family .. We stayed every day lma tnam w ba3dha n6la3, mashallah mashallah 9a7 ena agarbhom mub kthaar bs elnas ma wagft 9dg etha a7b allah 3abd 7bab elnas feh<3 shahad's dad ja lkl ayam l3aza 3ala 7asb kalam khalid eli w9l lreem 3ala a5r yom....
-3rd day and last-
Reem-while munching on her sandwich-: khalid ygol abo shahad ja klayam el3aza 7bebi true love never dies -sad tone-
Ashwnna shahad kant ttrawsh wagt'ha.. And yes, nafsyt'ha shwaya t3dlt she's more brighter now, jaw akthr mn 7urma ygrbonlha w klmoha l7alha w ketha and i saw a really good affect mn klamhom, at least now she would drink water shway yamaa da5t 3lena bthal 3 ayam alah yhdeha!
Raghad: ya bnt ell!!! Khalid?
Reem-face expression changing-: 3adi nsoolf he'e like my cousin
Raghad: wreni ya cousin
Reem: ma y7taj ho 7akeli kam shay private
Nouf: allah ya5th el3adu ento bs t5bon 3ana? W ana walla klshay yngalkom tshofeen ya zg
Reem-jumping to hug nouf-: la la walaaa walla ma a5bi ha ba3d egri el conv
Nouf-lauging-: engal3i la t5meni
Shahad-getting out of the shower-: esh fek ??
She was still very quiet, eli y7znni bs maraaaa a7sn el7amdellah, 7kait lshahad elsalfa 3shan shway t3'ayrlha jaw
Shahad: ana a3rf a9lan-laughing-
Nouf: fgaaasha
Reem: yalfgsh a9lan mafe shay t3rfena!!
Shahad: la t9jeni 5ali w ana a3rfa w 3shan ketha ma 9fgtk ana kaf lma swetli salfa 3ala walid
Reem: shahaaaad
Raghad: i'm out of this place -laughing- 5aaair leh t5bon
Nouf: ra3'doooh la ykon 3ndk balwa w sakta?
raghad: la la i'm good for now
We talked about few things and then shahad 8rart enha btnam elyom l7alha i went downstairs w lgait mama m3 jadt shahad w her cousins w ketha nas g3dt shway m3ahom w lma jena bn6l3 estaw3bt ena 3bayti b 3'urft shahad fa i went upstairs ajebha..
I tried not to over hear bs 9raaa7a ma gdrt abdn..
Walid: galb walid kaifk?
Shahad: better than yesterday
Walid: ba3d eldnya jet elyom w shft abok w 5alk
Shahad: 9dgg?-3abra-
Walid: eee
Shahad: w esh ba3d e7keli -sigh-
Walid: umm esh wdk 3ndi swalef kther
Shahad: esh swait w esh maswait?
Walid: wallah ga3d blbait 6ool elwagt bali m3ak yagalbi
Shahad: ba3d glb galbk ent
Walid: susu kasrt yadha ams
Shahad: uff! Esh 9arlhaa(
Walid: t3rfenha ng6a w jsmaha wla shay fa ygalha tl3b blsekl w faj2a el framl ma adri wsh 9ar w sr63 he w eljadr wa7d -laughing-
Shahad-laughing-:7ram 3alek la t'67kk
Walid: yaaaaa j3l hal'67ka tdom goli amen
Walid: kaif manori 7bebi?
Shahad: manorii esh?
Walid: manorii 7beebii
Shahad: walidoh
Walid-laughing-: enti 7ub 7yati he 7bebi
Shahad: ummhm
Walid: ya dala3
Walid was so good at this, he took my mind from over thinking.. And he was so patient!!! i'd never ever thought that a guy would stay with me l2n i'm so hard to handle and at times ana 93b at7ml nafsi!
He tried his best with all ways just to keep me entertained he talked about every single thing, until i sleep. And it was like that with him every night since i knew him. He had this idea of"ma abek tnamen mt6'ayga w t97en mt6'ayga, abek tnamen mrta7a w 3ad bkaifk e97i mt6'ayga bs 6'egt elnom shaina"
I loved keeping him to myself, eli beni w bena yg3d beni w bena i liked our privacy.. Bs now el7lwat ydron so i can't keep anything from them.
I over heard her"emhm's" walla ma nl3b tdal3 ba3d..
Shahad: mabi anam
Shahad: la 93ba
Shahad: mama mnera t7t w kl my cousins naymen fe betna
Shahad: 6yb mta?
Shahad: bs syara fahm?
Shahad: hahaha 6'reef
Shit, she's going out. Ma abi.
I came inside w mskena na6t mn mkanha!
Shahad: mar7tii!!
Nouf: haw ma nmti! Jet ba5th 3baytii
Shahad: aah okay
Nouf-taking el3baya slowly-: ela sh5bar walid?
Shahad: kwais kwais
Nouf: klmk?
Shahad: ee klyom
Nouf: ra3i wajb walla
Shahad: hahaha
I saw the "keli zg" expression on her face. LOL!!
Shahad: mara7 tro7en?
Nouf: ela yala bye
Shahad: bye.
Nouf: entabhi 3ala nafskk
Shahad-laughing-: ok-aay
Nouf: don't do anything risky -low tone-
Shahad-smacking her forehead and laying back to the pillow-: bye
Walid-laughing so hard-: 9degtk gaaf6a
Shahad: mara7 a6l3 5ala9 btblshnii
Walid: elii yray7kk
Shahad: mara7 tnnam?
Walid: w kaif anam w enti 9a7ya?
Shahad: yala bnam
Walid: t9b7en 3ala 5air ya galbi
Shahad: stay with me
Walid: okay
Shahad: ..
Walid: ..
I guess i fell asleep after half an hour oh hearing only his breathing. Most relaxing sound no doubt.
In the past few days mara glel a7aki faisal bs he was soooo supportive. And yesss he got a new phone!
Faisal: bntt
Faisal: i miss you
Faisal: yaaa sa7b 3alenaa
Faisal: ya ya ya
Faisal: amz7 tell me everything when you read this-2 hours ago-
Nouf: heyyy<3
Nouf: i miss YOU
Nouf: kaifkk w kaif e5tbar elyom?
Nouf: im soo tired abi sreeeri
Nouf: t7dak men ja elyom
Faisal: hala hala kwais kla el7mdelah w enti kefk?
Faisal: meen?
Nouf: haifa bnt 5altk
Faisal: ya7leelha m3kom blmdrsa?
Nouf: eee bs t5rjt last year
Faisal: ee
Nouf: esh ga3d tswe
Faisal: m3 el3yal
Nouf: ee w kaifk esh swait ?
Faisal: esh bswe =)) tawa yomi badi
Nouf: loool 6ybb a39aab
Gra w sfh:| okay a9lan 5lga knt bnam:)
I slept at 1:30 and woke up for school at 5, zy elesh? Elklba.
I woke up and checked my phone as usual, nothing from faisal..
Reem is going to skip and shahad is coming back, because she feels like school is going to take away her mind. Weird.
Anyways, i went to school w nafsyti zg mara 6be3y kaif ya2thr feni faisal b6regat klama..
Nouf-ygalha mntbha lelestatha-
Shahad-poking her-: esh fek
Nouf: elzg faj2a glb
Shahad: w bdaina n7s
Nouf-giving her the kli zg look-
Raghad-looking back to shahad and nouf-: leh reem elzga 3'aybaa?
Shahad: no idea
Raghad-talking to shahad-: shfeha elnafsya?
Shahad: faa9oli 9ayr zg
Raghad: mn tzgaga enzg 3aleh
Shahad and nouf-laughing so loud-
The day passed and i went back home, fought the urge not to talk to faisal and then slept. For the whole freaking day.
I had a midterm the next day.
Dinner with my cousins.
And i was going to take a7md to the pets store.
But noooo, i slept! Ya 76'kk elzain ya nouf. It was 11:30 or something 15 missed calls mn my 2 cousins, 3 from mama, a7md kik-ed me "t25arti 3shan ketha bnam" 7raaaam 7bebi:'(
And the group 6b3an eli ma yskt!
w ela '39b bymawtoni.
T3rfon lma tft7on whatsapp ba3d ma ttrkona for a while w ykon m3lg w awal ma yft7 yje convs ktheeera walla 3eni ma 6a7t ela 3ala 7gt faisal!
Faisal: hey-1 hour ago-
Nouf: hi
Faisal: wenk 6ol lyom
Nouf: asleep
Faisal: w el9alat?
Nouf: wsh aswe ma7d gawmni gmt w 9lait
Faisal: 6yb gomi kle shay 9a797i
Nouf: ma asht'hii
Faisal: ana asht'hi yala
Nouf: 6ah
Faisal: 6ah
Nouf: =))
Faisal: nouf
Nouf: yess
Faisal: i'll call
Nouf: 6b dgega
Faisal: bs voice
Nouf: bro7 el7mam..
Nouf: =)):)
7 minutes later..
Nouf: done
Faisal wants to voice call you>
Nouf: ahln
Faisal: wa7shni 9ootk
Nouf: ee 4 days are a lot
Faisal: w kaifk?
6b3an ma a7kelkkom 3an elfar7aa, w ba3d nset adrs w aswe elmlfat w elhomework.. Mara ywans.
Nouf: i'm good i guess enta kaifk ?
Faisal: better than ever
Nouf: kwais
Faisal: wsh btswen bukra weekend w ketha
Nouf: badrs-crying tone-
Faisal: haaw wrah
Nouf: badrs lel8udrat mara thanya
Faisal: last weekend drasti kthrt eldrasa bt6ayr lm3lomat
Nouf: 3an nafsi w kaman 3ndi midterm biology
Faisal: allah y3enk wala
Nouf: ameen ef
Moment of silence.
Faisal: kef shahad?
Nouf: daaawmt elyom!-excitement-
Faisal: mashallah kwais
La tst3'rbon ena faisal ya2l 3n 97bati, abdn blthat shahad l2n ashk ena y3zha akthr mnii, we both own her sooo much, she has helped us in a lot of situations.. Zy gabl ma ysafr we went into the biggest fight w ma 3adl elwa'63 ela shahad.
Nouf: eee mara al7amdellah w elnafsya mara zaina
Faisal: jatni wa7da elyom bljam3a-laughing-
I knew from that moment ena maw6'o3 elsalfa ya nouf get jealous but baby nothing's got anything on me, i know very well that he's mine and no girl will take him from me. Yes.
Nouf: aywaa
Faisal: kna jalsen ana wl3yal 3nd elsyart w ketha elzbda jat w kaifkom el7amdelah kwaisen enti kaifk el7amdellah w ya enha t5sh bl3ain ya nofii eli 3aib ya bnt
Faisal: elzbda jat galt esm3o ena there's this saudi gathering fe bait wa7da mn elbnat etha tbon tjon
Nouf: y3 wsh thalgarf
Faisal: la la ma3lek mu shay wow bs ytjm3on w fe akl sha3bi w ashya2 kna yom wa6ni
Nouf: 7ta wlaw!
Faisal: elzbdaa majak el5abr ana saakt galt ha faisal jaay?
Faisal: ana mu bs 36et'ha na6'ra eli mn el9adma '67kt w 7ram fashlt'haa
Nouf: tstahl-laughing-
Faisal: walla mara mskeena wdi aro7 at2sf agol mu g9di
Nouf: ebn omk
Faisal: shfeek abu s3oood 39bt 3leena-laughing-
Nouf: ma 39bt bs wsho tt2sf-laughing-
Faisal: mara7 aroo7
Nouf: eee zain elzbda ana lazm adrs w ketha aklmk lma a5l9
Faisal: okay babe alah ygawekk
Nouf: thank you entbh 3ala nafskk
Faisal: abshri
Nouf: bye
Faisal: ee w esh ba3d
Nouf: wsh tbe ba3d?
Faisal: to2bshni ebn 3ami ay shay?
Nouf: faisal-laughing so hard-
Faisal: tdren '67ktk esh blnsba le?
Nouf: esh?
Faisal: 3eelaj, dwaa, shay y3ayshni zy elmoya bl6'ab6 yomain bdon ma asm3ha at3b
Nouf-blushing so hard-
Faisal: i can feel you smiling
Nouf-laughing-: 6yb
Faisal: a7bk
Nouf: w ana ba3d mara a7bk
Faisal: ashwa
Nouf: bye ya faisal-laughing-
-skipping to school-
Shahad: abi n6l3
Reem: ween tben enti bs amri
Shahad: ummm
Reem: ummm
Raghad: umm
Shahad: tao
Nouf: faisal ykrhaaaaaaa la
Shahad raghad and reem-ignoring me-
Nouf: heeeey-laughing- wallaaa ya5i 5alnajrb shay jded
Reem: tbon entrecote ?
Shahad: no ma asht'hi
Raghad: asht'hi mirage aw ay shay chinese ketha noodles
Shahad: noodles house!?
Nouf: good choice
Reem: okay kwais bs ana ymkn ma aji ela mt25r wla 5loha 39rr
Nouf: wsh 3ndha el business women ??
Raghad: 3ndha jam3t 5alt'haa
Reem: bl6'ab6
Shahad: 3adi ahm shay t3ali
Nouf: nrj3 3ala baitna?
I got ready and everything, no make up make up and my bag w bs..
I called shahad and raghad w gltlhom eni 6la3t w bl6reeg dg 3lay faisal w lawl mara ydg bdon maygoli..
Faisal: ahln
Nouf: hi baby
Faisal: kaifk?
Nouf: kwaisa, esh fek?
Faisal: eshtahet asm3 9otk
Nouf: la fek shay? I can feel it
Faisal: la la
Nouf: faisal?
Faisal: ga3da tdrsen?
Nouf: la blsyara
Faisal: wen ray7a?
Nouf: noodles house?
Faisal: centria?
Nouf: ee
Faisal: okaay enbs6i
Nouf: bt7keli esh fek?
Faisal: la
Nouf: 6yb dgega banzl
Faisal: la 5ala9 baskr
Nouf: okay bye..
I was shit worried, 9ota mu mara m6mni.. Bs i never overreact ybi y7ki y7ki maybe bslamta mara7 a'63'a6 3aleh y3rf weni mta mab3'a dg.
We sat and talked and ate, w lsa my mind m3ah..
Shahad: reem btje?
Nouf: 3ala beti 3ala 6ol
Raghad: 5al na5thlna barmeeee hekk
Nouf: 5thi barmee l7alk
Raghad: yasheenkk
Nouf: esm3o bshawrkom bshay
Shahad: ha?
Nouf: faisal dg 3aly w ana blsyara w 7sait shway 3'reb ena awal mara ydg mn safr bdon ma y36eni 5abr w 9ota ww'67 feh shay gltla btgoli wshf fek gal la glt 6yb estana anzl w ketha a7kek gali la 5ala9 a9lan baskr glt okay bye 7ta ma znait wla shay t7son adg?
Shahad: shlon galbk y6aw3k enti?
Nouf: ya alah!
Shahad: 8smbilah ana ma agdr
Nouf: i'm like that.
Shahad: gomi gomi dgi
Nouf: yala bgom bs a5af naym
Shahad: kam 3ndhom? E7na 7 y3ni 3ndhom 7 el9ba7
Reem: 7beeeebi dag 3alek elfajr w tzbdeenla?
Shahad: ts2 ts2
Nouf: akrhkom!!
Reem: amana t3'azli feh shway 7sseh enk t7bena-laughing-
Nouf: bzr o9
No one will ever understand how hard it is for me to express my feelings. He KNOWS that he's my one and only. Mu lazm ento t3rfon!
I went to the bathroom and called..
Awal mara ma rd thany mara rd w 9ota n9 naym..
Faisal: hmm
Nouf: naym?
Faisal: rj3ti?
Nouf: la lsa
Faisal: la la mu naym
Nouf: shfek?
Faisal: nom-laughing-
Nouf: yala nam 6yb
Faisal: matben shay?
Nouf: la bs knt bshof esh fek
Faisal: mafeni eli el3afya galbi enti
Nouf: kwais
Faisal: yalla etrki jawalk w enbs6i
Nouf: a7bk
Faisal: ba3d eldnya klha a7bk akthr
I kinda felt relieved after the "a7bk"
I went back to the table with a smile..
Shahad: hala hala
Reem: ashoof elebtsama shaga elwajh
Nouf-blushing-: o9
We went back home and they stayed for 3 hours or so w 6l3oo ma9ar shay mara y7ms we watched a movie w 7kena bkam shay i was sleepy by the time they left so nmt w ma 97ait ela el6'hr drst lel biology w ma shft jawali abd w w lma ja el39r w shfta lgait my cousin dgt w ela '39b t3aw6'ena 3n elyom eli s7bti feh..
Nouf: mama bnaat 5alt 3faf by6l3on yt3'adon bro7 m3ahom
Om nouf: 3'da elma3'rb??? Hatha 3asha
Nouf: eeli ho elzbda akl
Om nouf: la tt25ren bs
Nouf: inshallaah
I took a shower and got ready, maknt adri ay m63m bnro7 9ra7a elzbda as i got in the car i checked my whatsapp w lgait faisal m7akeni as usual.
Faisal: nouf -4 hours agl
Faisal: wenk bs 9ayra t5tfen-2 hours ago
Nouf: sorry roo7ii ent gmt w drast w en5rsht 3shan ba6l3 m3 my cousins w tawnii arkb elsyara
Faisal: aah
Nouf: kaifkk??
Faisal: kwais
Nouf: 3'reba ma nmt?
Faisal: lool
Nouf: ??
Faisal: bnam al7en t9b7en 3ala 5air
Damn, guiltiness ate me up.
Nouf: 6yb bdg shway gabl ma tnam
Faisal: ok
-Skype voice call-
Nouf: i miss you
Faisal: wa'67
Nouf: haw
Faisal: wsho
Nouf: ent 3arf faisal ma af6'a drasa w zg
Faisal: drast esh! Kl ma 7kaitk ya nayma ya 6al3a!!
Nouf: bs eni adrs wagt ma tkon 9a7i! Ma a6l3 ela w ent naym!
Faisal: la tjlsen tt3athren
Nouf: ma t34rt
Faisal: wdi mara wa7da tf6'en w tgrain el conv wala 7ta a5wyai ma a7kehom ketha
Nouf: esh elm6lob?
Faisal: mu m6lob shay, slaamtk
Nouf: faisal 6yb goli 3shan a3dl!
Faisal: mn lma twaft om shahad
Nouf: alah yr7mha
Faisal: ma 7kait m3ak wla klma 9a7ya
Nouf: i know that's why i really miss you!-low tone
Faisal: ..
Nouf: faisal law sm7t la tshel b5a6rk you know eni ma at3md shay
Faisal: adri bs enti tflmen 3lay eni ma a7kek w ma aswe w ma aswe w enti tswen nafs elshay bl6'ab6!
Nouf: time fucking difference ya faisal ent t97a ana anam w el3aks i can't keep a day going!
Nouf: tbeni aglb nomi 3shank? Abshr walla ma 6labt shay
Faisal: ya alah mnk
Nouf: ent 3arf eni a7wl gd ma agdr i keep up with studying, YOU, family, friends
Faisal: 6yb w esh el7al
Nouf: bear with me
Faisal: kl hatha w bear with me yashaai5a ana le esbo3 ma shft wjhk w mt7ml
Nouf: a7bk ok? W tra nothing can change anything
Faisal: "no time difference, no nothing will take me away from you."
Nouf: that's exactly what i said.
And we all know ya readers ena when guys talk in english, nbki. And faisal's voice is sooo deep eli 7ta lma yhz2 astmt3 b9otaa LOL!
Faisal: 6yb
Nouf-sigh-: 6yb..
Faisal: 5ala9 a7kek lma a97a?
Nouf: okay
Faisal: take care
Nouf: good night
Faisal: ..
Nouf: ..
We stayed quiet for 2 minutes..
Nouf: mara7 tskr?
Faisal: 7ta w ana sakt m3ak 3'air
Nouf: gol amen
Faisal: amen
Nouf: alah la y7rmni mnk
Faisal: wla mnk-in a sincere tone-
I love him, with all my heart.
& my love for him can never be described in words or actions nothing will ever hold up the love i have for him.
And nothing ever can show him the least of how much he means to me.
Yes, i'm cold outside.
But deep inside, i have so much feelings that only him can understand.
Only him can feel. And i'm sure he knows well how much his existence means to me. Without him i am nothing, he's the my first and my last.
And as cheesy as this may sound, i see us under one roof.
Mmkn faisal :')?
ReplyDeleteI love it ❤️can you write a post on how nouf abd faisal met and how they strated their relationship?
ReplyDeleteI LOOVVEE ITTT!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteyou have the best blogs eveeerr!
ReplyDeleteAllah yrzgna bs:(
ReplyDeleteallaaahh yerzgnnii ww kel mn gaal ameeennnnn ����������������
ReplyDeleteI LOVE ITT!! Bs Lesh ke4a Faisal barrd bzyada!!:(
ReplyDeleteCuuutte ya5i :(( mashallah you're talented <33 keep it up
ReplyDeleteI love your blog!
ReplyDelete2021 & still reading tbooy ����������